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Problems with one of the secret areas


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It's in ns_streets. Right after the electrified water, you force pull a bridge, you jump on a ledge, kill a baddie. There you have a R5 unit, a switch, and if you look up you'll see a breakable grate.


Now, there is no way you can jump on to the grate even if you jump on the R5 unit before. The only other way is to press the switch and bring the first yellow arm near you. Jump on it. Force pull the second yellow arm and jump on the garbage container. As soon as the container starts moving, you can jump to a small opening in the second trash pipe (seems to be that, anyway).


The thing is, I was never able to jump through this, even after like 30 tries. The second thing is that if you do, the container will go, and won't come back. I've tried it and the container doesn't seem to come back ever.


Has anyone got this secret area without using no clip or anything... Like done it the regular way.

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