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i know how to taunt in single player, how he makes the lightsaber spin around.


But I've noticed people taunt in multiplayer. They don't spin their lightsaber but they say something. How? The command "taunt" doesn't seem to work and I can't see any option in the menu...

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In multiplayer, you press "k".


this taunts them, and offers a "sabre duel". If the other player accepts the duel offer (by also pressing "k") then the two players become covered in a blue aura and no one else can touch them while they are so encased.


While in this duel state, only the sabre is usable by the duelers, and force jump and sabre throw are the only force powers available.


It is rude to turn down a duel offer, bad ettiquette. So make sure you accept. You will get hounded off some of the hard core servers if you don't accept. And quite right, too.

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The taunt command in MP is +taunt.


However anytime I enter it straight into the console my character starts taunting and then refuses to shut up. Binding it to a key seems to work better:


From the console: bind key +taunt


Where 'key' is whatever button you want to taunt with.


You can also do the MP taunt in SP. Type victory in the console. Kyle says 'Just taking care of business'.

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