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need help with single player campaign


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I am stuck at the second level: The mining facility. I have killed al hostiles i have seen. I came to a place where they do something with that cargo but if i stay in the room i die. I also saw the trainrailway but its electrified and i cant go on it. I met some closed doors also but i cant find a way to open them. plz help.

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If i am correct, you should be stuck at the radiation room. That one was a pain in the butt to figure out. Are you at the part where the mining transports come into a room, the alarm goes off, and the doors shut. Lots of red lights goes off, and then the transport leaves?


Let me know and I will give you the answer....


You can also email me at wolf@starsfan.com

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This one drove me nuts. I knew I had to get on the transports, but I kept getting cooked....


Leave the radiation room and go into the control room. At the far end is 2 doors that lead outside. Go outside and to the center of the catwalk. You will see 2 post sticking out of the building with white lights on the end of them. Look down and wait. A pipe will extend to release the radiation. Jump onto it and head back towards the building. Crouch to go under the ledge. When the pipe goes back in, drop to the ledge and enter the pipe. Once inside you will need to move. The radiation is not as strong, but will kill you quick enough. Hurry in and shoot the 4 red power cells on the wall to drop the force field. Now shoot the red cell on the lift. That will stop the radiation. Now get on the lift and ride up into the radiation chamber. On the far side is a computer console. Go over there and turn around. Now run up the ledge that is there. Jump on top of the transport. Once you are moving and the transport turns to the right, you will need to jump in a hole on the left side of the next passage.


Have fun, email me if you need any more help, and may the force be with you!



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Hah! so there's a real way to do that? I jumped up on the ledge outside the radiatio room, and waited for the transport thing to come through. as soon as the door opened, i jumped on top. It sure seemed like a stupid jumping puzzle. some of the ledges are only big enough for ine foot. Now i have to go back and do it the other way i guess. Has anyone else noticed weid jumping things like that? In the swamp level, ther's a couple of places you can force jump to that the designers didn't really finish. jump as high as you can get right before the crashed transport...

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