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Can you change Reborn skins?


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Hopefully this hasn't been posted yet....If it is just shoot me...


I LOVE to fight against the reborns and know for a fact that there are different colors available for the reborn models (through single player). Question is, how do you change them to have different colored reborns in a MP bot match? There's gotta be a way!





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From a poster on the forum on GameFAQs


From: Hiro Kun | Posted: 4/1/2002 10:49:35 AM | Message Detail

I was trying to find where they saved the data for Force Powers so I could make a small mod with Infinite Force Jump.. But could not find it.. But I DID find new skins!

Not sure if anyone has discovered these yet..If so I am sorry for wasting your time ;P

First off you need to bring down the console then type in these (You already know..But these work in Multiplayer only I think)


/model Morgan

Play as Morgan with a blue tint (Oops..They forgot to make the Multiplayer model the default for him)


/model kyle/fpls

I'm not sure if this one works..I forgot the exact name..But its a Headless Kyle


/model kyle/fpls2

Play as Kyles arms...Ohhhhkay.... I was having fun using these online a bit (Got some strange responses)

And now....REBORNS!


/model reborn/acrobat

A blue Reborn I *think*


/model reborn/forceuser

The Red hooded Reborn you see on the character portrait for the Reborn


/model reborn/fencer

A green Reborn if I recall..


/model reborn/boss

The BEST Reborn skin.. Darkish Bluish outfit.. Red Hood


/model jedi/jk1

I am TOTALLY not sure on this one and dont care to check.. Its just the Jedi in a slightly different tunic


/model imperial/officer

The Imperial Officer if I recall..

Thats all of em I think... Now go impress people with your l33t skinz!



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