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Secret Areas - Why & How Many?

c the c o

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Hey, JKII newbie here & lovin' it :D I have a couple of questions.


Why should I look for secret areas? I know in JK1 it had something to do with how powerful you were in the force in the 1P game. Is it the same in JKII?


Is there some place at the start of a level that shows how many secret areas I should look for there?


Thanks a ton for any help!

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The secret areas in JK2 give you various power ups: ammo, health, shields, etc. That is the main reason for finding them...more stuff!


The only way to find out how many there are is to complete the level. Then it will tell you how many you found vs how many there are; such as 1 of 3.


Here is a bit of help....


Level 1: Kejim Post - 2

Level 2: Kejim Base - 3

Level 3: Artus Mine - 1

Level 4: Artus Detention - 1

Level 5: Artus Topside - 1


That is all I am telling. Of those 8, I have found 6; but I'm not heading back to look just yet. =0)

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Lets continue...


Yavin Temple 0

Yavin Trial 1

NS Streets 6

NS Hideout 7

NS Starpad 3

Bespin Undercity 3

Bespin Streets 3

Bespin Platform 1

Cairn Bay 1

Cairn Assembly 1

Cairn Reactor 1

Cairn Dock 1

Doom Comm 3

Doom Detention 3

Doom Shields 1

Yavin Swamps 2

Yavin Canyon 3

Yavin Courtyard 0

Yavin Final 0


Edit: Added the missing one.


The thing I hate is that you never know how much secrets there is before you end the level and the next one is loading. As an example, in RtCW, just before you finished a level, you had a message on screen telling you how many secrets and treasure items you had find. I prefer that than finishing a level and having to reload my last save to go and get the secrets. Another thing that I hate is the fact that past certain points, you cannot go get the secrets back. Doors are locked, or else. But now that I've finished the game and I know where they all are, it won't be an issue.


As for the first question in the post, as for why secret areas. Well I don't know. Some are very wierdly placed. One I remember is the one in Doom_Shields level. After you blow up the shields and beat Fryyar (or what ever his name is), you go in a zero gravity environment and somebody decided to place some goodies at the very top of the cylinder. I mean, why are they there in the first place. I think more attention should be placed on the realism of secret places...

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I remember the streets of NS....I was looking for a way to continue the level and I kept running in circles....then I found an opening and was all excited, only for it to be a SECRET....ahhhh!!!It took me a day to figure that level out...grr

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Originally posted by nex

In jk you got force powers for finding secrets. Is this the same in JK2?


In most forums it's usefull to read a whole thread before asking a question to see if it's been asked and or answered already. Is this the same in this forum?


Why, yes, reading does improve ones knowledge. May I suggest to take a closer look at the third post? That is, if you even take the trouble of reading this one.

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