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Flipout jedi saber skillz i havent seen documented and cant really do...


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Cool saber move's i've noticed, not sure if theyre in the manual (havent actually read it yet:)


1) When you're fighting an opponent, and you're *really* close, ie your sabers are bouncing

off each other, if you attack whilst jumping over yr opponent, you get a cool flip with

a horizontal twist thing going while still attacking with saber... hard to describe,

but looks really cool


2) When you jump over an opponent so that your back's towards them, if you hit attack in midair

then when you land you'll perform a spin-slash... like the normal backwards-attack reverse-stab

move, but w/o the need to be running backwards at someone to do it:)


3) This is by far the hardest one to do. I've done it loads of times, but i dont know how..

As you're running towards someone, you jump, then, from my extensive scientific testing,

you hold attack and mash the forward, backward and strafe right keys, and you do a sort of

dive, where you spin around a lot and end up on the floor with the saber pointing skywards...

If it hits it does loads of damage... I've taken out someone with full health + shields with

just this attack. Also it looks really really cool :)


Would be much obliged if anyone can tell me exactly how to do the 3rd move, its insanely cool and damaging.


Ohyeah, all of these are in light/medium stance, cos those are the two i alternate between in duels. Havent

been able to get 3 to work in sp either.

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