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Peoples Opinions On Mapping


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What would everybody like to see in a multiplayer map?

Everyone post your ideas about what you would like to see in a multiplayer map, even FFA, CTY , CTF And More. Everybody post:


-In my self-opinionsm i would like to see, a bar type map with the StarWars clasic bar music, like shown in Nar Shadda.


-Or a Huge Bridge Up in Cloudcity with moving clouds and everything.(Fall To Your Death!)

-(This idea might sound stupid) - But i would like to see a map with Lando's ship flying in the air in cloudcity with Jedi Fighting On top Of It(Dueling Map)

-If anybody has seen Cloudcity in singleplayer, it looks sweet compared to the Bespin MP maps( Those are terrible) It looks cool in single player, with the Chairs and seats and big building, We need a map like that.

-Last but not least, a map with a drone gun . For Extra Fun =)


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Now Its Your Turn, Lets See If We Can Get over 100 Ideas Here.

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