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Okay, so I'm in a somewhat unique position--I'm absolutely addicted to JK2, but I absolutely suck at shooting games--largely because I'm disabled and simply don't have the manual dexterity to work a mouse and a keyboard at the same time. So what I'm wondering is, since it's nigh-impossible to aim with the keyboard and my mouse doesn't have near enough buttons to do everything, is there a way to set up an auto-aiming system in JK2 (ala the one in Rainbow 6 and just about every old FPS game I've ever played)? Basically, something along the lines of snapping the targeting cursor to an enemy and keeping it pointed at that enemy while I dodge about like a ferret on meth? :p Any help would be appreciated, as I'm getting slaughtered by hordes of stormtroopers, and I really don't want to resort to cheat codes to get past them.

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Gamepads don't really work for me, either, but thanks. I'm sure auto-aim would be abused on-line, but I'm really just looking for something to keep me from getting butchered in single-player....just a tiny bit of snapping to a target, maybe on the order of 2 feet (game scale, of course) worth.

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