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Is there any hope for the Light side in MP?


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It's been a loooong time since I played DF2:JK, so picking up JK2 this weekend was a very highly-anticipated thing for me ;)


I had a great time playing online, and although I finished at or near the bottom in all of the battles I joined, I still felt I held my own fairly well...especially in duels, where I had a pretty good win %


But my main question, I guess, is one that is an echo of the past.


Seems that the dominant players were the ones who basically ran around the level continuously using force grip/lightning over and over and over again.


I'm a little rusty, so JK2 is like a totally new thing for me...so the question is...how do us light-siders combat these repetitive tactics? There are only so many lightning bolts I can take before I have to say enough is enough. :D


Breaking Grip is easy enough...I make heavy use of Push to get distance in a fight or to throw off someone's chase. Only time Grip is really a pain is on the levels where it's nothing but a Grip/Push war to see who can throw who off the ledge the most.


But it's like I said...the lightning thing is overdone.


Tactics? Anyone? This old rookie would appreciate the advice ;)

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I'm just as much as a rookie as yourself, but the last match I played, I figured out that Force Absorb basically negates any force power against you. So as soon, as some tried to lightning or grip against me, I'd absorb and go in for the kill. I ended up winning the match. Not sure how, but I'll take my first win.


Also, from reading these forums, Force Pull will sometimes knock your enemy down, causing them to lose grip or lightning, bringing your enemy to you for the kill. Remember, your opponent is vulnerable, while they grip & lightning!



Anyway, that's my story so far... still learning...



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Originally posted by RahnDelSol

I'm a little rusty, so JK2 is like a totally new thing for me...so the question is...how do us light-siders combat these repetitive tactics? There are only so many lightning bolts I can take before I have to say enough is enough. :D


Well as you put it yourself, some of those forces are a tad too powerful. Having said that, I do prefer playing the Light Jedi styles, which is quite something since I've always fancied myself as a Dark Jedi. ;)


Remember that we have a number of skills that I think are really overlooked, such as confusion (just watch the morons run around swinging wieldly hoping to hit something while you time a perfect strike. It also means they won't be able to use a force on you :) ) and absorb (a very useful skill, but it drains too quickly, so you need to keep switching it on and off. I think the force cost to activate it really needs to be reduced).


In short, I think it is best to play a Light Jedi if you're simply trying to defend against force skills and not use them as an offensive weapon. Your really method of killing is the sabre. The Dark Jedi need their skills because they can't fight in an honourable manner. :)

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Woohoo. First post.


One addendum to the advice above. If you're not on a saber only server, another alternative is to switch to your best gun and and let the gripper have it while they're standing there open for the attack. I've noticed while playing bots that this basically makes force grip useless if they have a decent gun at the time - they'll hose you down.


Obviously this tactic is much less useful than absorb on the levels where they are dropping you off a ledge.


Another alternative - as a light Jedi, I use force heal to counteract the lightning. They expend more energy using the lightning then you do healing yourself (with force heal level 3).

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in my eyes as long as you can use the sabre pretty well then your better off with the light side. i started out using only the dark side but i found that whenever i ran into someone who could use light side well i was screwed and couldnt kill them. as a lightside you just counter their attacks with your own. mostly absorb push and heal for defense. when your against a particularly good dark side enemy just use mind trick and wait for the right time to swing. also, when they use lightning they are wide open to be killed if you hit absorb as soon as they start using it turn around and swing a couple times, they be gone soon after.

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I agree with the advice given here, and I'm an old school Jk1 player who prefers the light side of the force. It's simply stronger than most darkside powers in a duel once you have the skills to effectively use them. You gotta watch out for drain though, cuz that will destroy your ability to heal in almost no time. The thing that was said about lightning I agree with, but i don't really think of lightning as that cheap. It's all a matter of opinion though.



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Originally posted by ||GF|| Rodeo

One addendum to the advice above. If you're not on a saber only server, another alternative is to switch to your best gun and and let the gripper have it while they're standing there open for the attack. I've noticed while playing bots that this basically makes force grip useless if they have a decent gun at the time - they'll hose you down.


I tried this out online... a guy gripped me, and held me over a ledge. He sat and watched as I pulled out a gun and shot him, thus breaking his grip and I became a splatter on the floor, 100 feet down.


funny as hell.

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