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Light Saber Inconsistency

Enlightened One

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I have really been having a hard time becoming efficient with the saber. All battles seem like random luck and I can almost never get the saber to do what I want it to. Just a while ago I took a few minutes standing still and pressing fire with the saber armed. Even then, with no movement at all, the strokes that the character executed varied. How is anyone supposed to use this thing effectively? It seems like the developers tried to do too much with this weapon and made it nearly impossible to use well. Is anyone else feeling the same way? :wookiee:

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I can vouch for the depth of the lightsaber in multiplayer. Give it a couple more hours bro, there is a very unique system to it. It gives u good and intuitive control. Its just a bit difficult to get the hang of and use well :). Every day i learn a better way to use it. Its deeper than you think, be patient.

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I agree with Silent Wolf. The saber system is pretty deep, and is not something you can pick up and master quickly. What you are seeing there when standing still I think is Raven's attempt to help people out with random saber slashes. If you perform a certain keystroke combo with the correct timing, you can produce all the moves with consistency.


I haven't come close to mastering the saber system yet, and I for one am kinda glad that it is taking some time to master. I would have been disappointed if the saber system was too easy to pick up.



PS SilentWolf if you're readin' this, I sent you a PM earlier about a LAN party we're having this weekend. Let me know if you're interested/available.





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I agree as well. I've had a lot of fun with the sabre, give it time =)

For a start try learning some of the sidestep moves, most of them are consistent, the standing still ones seem to have the same effect (roughly) but with a different look.

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