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Duds Could Not Be Duds


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I posted a few days ago on this board informing you all of the tragedy of my copy of OUTCAST being a dud. I now find out from Lucasarts,(who are in the process of sending me a new copy) that in some cases, the duds, which were in search of datacab3, in some cases may be fixed another way. Technical support informed me that in a few cases that people who got the datacab3 problem overcame it by throwing it into their cdrw drives. In some cases cdroms like mine are too fast and cdrws slower speed overcame the problem. ONCE AGAIN, this is not fact, its jsut worked in a few cases, and stupid me should maybe have tried that, though it may not have worked. I should have my copy ina few days and no doubt I will be out there soon with you all.


Happy Gaming, and hope this helps someone.



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