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Major problem running game! Please help!!


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Ok, here's the deal. I'm going to try to stay calm, so here I go.


These are my specs:

P2 800mhz

448 meg ram

60gig 7200 HD (40 free)

Hercules Geforce 2 MX 64mb

Generic Sound Blaster sound card


Now, with these specs my game runs great in areas where there are no enemies all the way up to about 2 enemies. When it gets any higher than that, the game slows down a lot. It gets really annoying. So I keep playing until I get to the cantina in Nar Shadaa. When I start fighting the aliens with the lightsaber, I get a HUGE slowdown. I can barely move without the game bogging down. It's basically unplayable. The game doesn't run much better either with the graphics lowered. The game runs better with the graphics all the way down, but I might as well go play quake 2. Why would my system run this game so poorly? It doesn't make sense, and this is mainly why. My friend also has the game. Here are his specs:


P3 1.0 gighz

128 meg ram

40 gig HD (about 1 gig free)

Generic sound card

TNT 2 3d card


His game runs perfectly. There are no slowdowns on his except when he enters an outdoor area. Once he's outside for a minute, however, the slowdown stops. How could this be? My system is much better than his. I can't understand this.


Can someone please explain to me why this is and how to make my game run smoothly?



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