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Level 3 - Garbage factory


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So if you trace back a bit, and go up the walkway/stairs that lead to the top of the large "crushing" space,from the top.. you start at the door, head down the stairs, which descend in a anticlockwise direction iirc. On the left, not very far from the door, you will see a grill which leads to a vent.

Smash the grill with your sabre, and head inside.


You will be able to see a large yellow box from here, which contains radiation/explosives; take our weapon of choice, and with said weapon of choice, shoot said large yellow box :D


You will see the box explode, and it will leave a large aperture in the wall (large enough for you to walk through, anyway)


Descend any way you like to ground level, and go through into this chamber (I cant remember exactly which door it is, but it is one you have probably already explored) and go through the opening.


You will go past a few doors, before getting to a large blue forcefield like place, which would be the brig/"prison" cells


If you walk to the end of this room (you will see what I mean when you get there) you will find Lando wossname (so sue me ;))


Lando gives you the password, bada-bing bada-boom


If you need more help, email me, I dunno if I will be coming back :)

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