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Needed Skins!!!


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The following skins are in dire need of creation:


Zabrak; Male and Female this is Darth Maul's race

Darth Vader

The Emperor

Mas Ammeda

Jar Jar Binks; simply to kill him.

Boba Fett; obviously

Adi Gallia

Plo Koon

Yoda; Young Yoda

Qui-Gon Jin

Ben Kinobi

Mace Windu

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Those would be nice, I agree. But I soooo badly want to use two sabers at once (one in each hand) or a double-sided one. That would totaly rock, but obviously it would take quite some work to create new animations for them.


And yes, I know about the /THEDESTROYER cheat, but the animations don't fit it. When doing some moves it looks like I'm stabbing myself.

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You people do realize Skinning/Modeling/editing of any kind for JK2 is a bit hard being as there is no sdk. Sure you can replace a skin from jk2 with jar jar binks, but how many models in jk2 have jar jars posture and shape? or boba fett, you wont find anyone with the shape of him. Just be patient and i'll get onto modeling.

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