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Some force powers in Multiplayer


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I need some help with using some of the force powers in multiplayer.


Push/Pull Force:


Whenever i use this it seems to not work as well as when the people use it on me. Do u have to have the person in the xhair the whole time while using it? And does the force take time to reach the target? or does it fly like a wave?


Is there a certain time where the force is not as affective against u? (IE standing still, facing the person using it, lightsaber drawn?)




I cant lock on the enemy to get him im my grip. i just dont get how it works.


some1 please help me out thx

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force push/pull only work real well if you have them on rank 3 and the person is close and near to your crosshairs, then it has the chance to pull the weapon out of their hand or knock them down.


grip you need them in your x-hairs i think.

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