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Whos been kicking your a$$?


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Thanks ;) i mainly love duelling , even on gun servers , always give respect where its due even when im beaten . Holding fire while you guide the sabre is the best way to do things and in fast style you can just whiz along as a blur of light - youre likely to get a sabre thrown at your head though


and u watched it when i posted it before? wow didnt think anyone would bother hehe ;) thanks again

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i find light style hard to do damage with , i prefer a strike and run , i favour jumping and rolling alot (as you wouldve seen) when i get that good horizontal torso slash though it counts , like when i ran through 4 people with a spin by hitting the torso when i had the opportunity and jumping like mad to get away from a barrage of thrown sabres overhead heavy strikes and whirlwind light style spinners ;)

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Heh, yeah, I saw. What amazes me is how long you last with all those sabers flying around...I spawned the same number of initiate bots as people you were dealing with in the same level and had them all stay in the same area (the center, you know what I mean) and didn't last 5 seconds.

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level 3 jump and level 3 sabre defense are my best friends , there was many an occasion where i got cut down fast but another important thing is to always keep turning around watching every direction for people taking strikes from behind


I assume this Blood Widow is in america? i want a low ping duel i do!

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that server doesnt allow active force powers except sabre throw , just the way i like it - its like a big series of duels , i mean dont get me wrong i love all the force powers but when you are actively looking for a good sabre fight you get a bunch of greifers and grip/lightning whores whos purpose is to ruin your fun


didnt use push to knock people down , just a good ol' fashioned boot to the head hehehe :)

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Shes not to hard to find.


Generally runs her own sabers/force only server, though it took me several hours to get on it because its always full.


In a pure duel shes very good, has great saber control and targeting with the throw.


But catch her in a melee with force powers? OMFG.


I watched her on Bespin in spectator mode, she had a nasty high frag count and everyone was after her. A 7 person melee going on and she held them all off, force power mastery, saber skill...it was uncanny to watch. Was the closest thing to Maul in Episode I I've seen so far in multiplayer from anyone.


Anyone can melee. Not many can be the single target of everyone in that melee and survive it. She took down 4 people in the melee almost instantaneously, then lured the remaining 3 to the dojo area under the pad, and then set to work clearing the rest.


I saw her drain, then grip the first to attack her, she lifted him up fast, and before he could get his absorb on, she ran forward with him then dropped grip and force pushed, literally LAUNCHING this guy into the air and out over the edge, only to turn nearly instantly and block a thrown saber, and then roll BACKWARDS under a medium swing from the 2nd attacker.


She turned around then...ran directly at the 2nd guys back, and did the backflip kick, knocking him down, and then THREW her saber at the 1st guy as he swung at her, killing him. She then, somewhat uncerimoniously gripped the last man standing until he died.


7 guys. Seven.


It was beautiful to watch. Wish I'd been recording a demo, but since it creates so much hitch lag I tend to not run demos on multiplayer servers.


After spectating that, I spent alot of time in spectator mode just watching her work. Shes uncanny...as I said.

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If i play nar Shadaa Streets, i barely survive on my own!! :)


Anyone seen Greedn Dildo? he was on a server last night and oh my god he was so dam good, but, as with a lot of people, was a heavy weapons addict, so his heavy weapons caused a lot of lag for me :( if only that was a Sabers only!!! So green dildo, if ya hear me!! lemme know!! lol :)

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The guy who's been killing me is this fella called Scrobes..


Heh, I'm an idiot. Get myself killed all the time. :D Need lots of practise. Anyway...


Hmm. That Blood Widow character sounds like pap. Sounds like advertisement, Joruus. Either you are an rl friend of her, or simply *are* her..

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