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how to crush master jedi bots or how luke lost his hand


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ok so someone probably posted this already but i was experimenting today and my biggest problem with kicking major ass in saber duels vs the bots was actually getting them close enough to hit with the gd light saber they all use cheesy tactics (invis, run away, grip, etc.) so i was like screw this and i ripped out force pull and played around with it for awhile well to my disappointment it only worked about 1/4th of the time and about 1/8th of the time the person would actually fall down as i pulled them so i was like gee it would be nice if they'd fall down every time so i messed with it and messed with it and then i figured it out!!!!! if the person is within the lightsaber's maximum melee range and you are facing them and you force pull them they fall down right on their butt and you stick your lightsaber into their eyeball. that's it that's the whole trick it's strictly range. so there you have it i just beat desann and luke in duels 10/0 with jedi master skill and jedi master force powers. after that i thought man this is pretty cheesy i should just fight regular but then i noticed luke mind tricking me 7 times in a row and i was like screw him. enjoy!

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while as far as i know you can't turn on or off certain force powers you can virtually do that by your bot selection. Like Desann and Reelo have lightning cause they is ebil and Luke, Morgan, Mon Mothma and Ree Yees LOVE the old mind trickyness, Lando doesn't use any force powers at all. So if you don't like lightning don't pick dark jedi bots. if you don't like mind trick don't pick goody goody bots

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