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Lightsaber Colors - Adding New Ones


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Ok this has REALLY been buggig me. I do like the green red and blue colors. The new ones are -ok- But I thought there would be more. I'm looking on how to add new colors. I can make all the ncessary graphical changes with photoshop, but how do I add the new colors to the .pk3 files???? Any help/suggestions?

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I'm working on this, too. I want a silver/white saber like Corran Horn's.

So I edited all the jpg and tga files for menu and for ingame, and the white color works after i packed it with winzip and renamed it to pk3.

But the glow effect still has the color of the saber that I replaced, adding new sabers doesn't seem possible at the moment.


As you can see, the saber is white, but the blur and the glow on the ground is still orange.




If anyone knows what has to be eited to make the glow effects the right color please tell me. I also looked in the .shader files, but I can't find the right entries.


HELP, please, I want Corran's saber. ;)

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This was the first bit of editing I tried, as I too wanted a white saber. I had the same problem though, and I searched through a lot of files and couldnt find colours for that part of the saber. I'm guessing its in the code.

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Wow. Didn't expect this many people were interested in adding/changing saber colors. I too what a white/silver saber, I just think it would look a lot better. I just don't know what to do :/

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Ok, for all those people who like new saber colors:

Here is a short explanation what I did:


Open the assets.pk3 from the Jk2/gamedata/base folder with winzip and extract it to a directory you like.


Then find the files



color line.jpg


from the /gfx/effects/sabers folder








from the /menu/art folder.

Color is the color of the saber you want to replace.


Now open these files with a grapgic program like photoshop and change the textures.

Be sure to keep the selection mask in the tga files.


After you've saved the files you must zip the files with winzip, it's recommended that you only zip the edited files, so the archive won't be too big.

And keep the directories when you zip it.


Then rename the ending .zip to .pk3 and copy the new file top your JK2/gamedata/base folder.


That's it. now you should have a changed saber. If the game doesn't start the texture have the wrong format, so don't change the compression when you save the jpg files.


Right now it seems it is not possible to add new sabers, just replace them, and you have limitations. I haven't figured out how to edit the blur and glow color, so that's the next thing that must be done. Any idea from more experienced modders or any other people is welcome.

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Yes. I tried the sabers.shader. I also read the shader tutorial so that I understand what's in it. And as far as I know it just says that the color for the shader is taken from the texture.


So I think this file is only for the "flickering" effect of the saber, but not for the glow and the blur color.


If anyone knows better please correct me, I won't be angry :p

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Does anyone else think the white lightsaber with the orange glow is actually kind of cool?


On a more relevent note, could you post image files for this somewhere? If I attempted this it would probably look like a lightsaber built by some, well, crazy Jedi.

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I checked the blur_core and blur_glow files, and they are just grey. No colors. so it there must be some other file or entry that is responsible for the colors.



I wanna release a full Corran Horn (more Keiran Halcyon) when I figured out how to change this cool looking ;) orange. But at the moment there are only some loose files, nothing I can release.


Only if you really (really really) want it I will pt together an archive, but remember, it's not ready and still beta.

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Yeah, I figured out what is responsible for the glow of the saber.


It's the entry in the sabers.shader



cull disable



clampmap gfx/effects/sabers/blurglow

blendFunc GL_ONE GL_ONE

rgbGen vertex


Now I have to find a way to edit the vertex color.

I have to read the tutorial once again, and if someone knows what to do, you know what to do.;)


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I took a quick look at it, and according to me, if you create a new texture with a white glowing dot in the middle, 256 height, 256 width, and save it as white_glow.tga

Then add this to the shader :




cull disable


map gfx/effects/sabers/white_glow.tga

blendFunc GL_ONE GL_ONE

rgbGen vertex




@ work, cannot test it.

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Yep, I did this on Sunday, but it didn't work. My files were titled silver... but there was no difference. I removed all lines with ornage and replaced them with silver, and all textures with orange were replaced with silver ones by me. but the glow was still orange, don't know why.


If you have some experience, would you mind looking again on this, or even test it? I can send you my edited files if that would help.


I looked at every file, I think I understand that things with the shaders, but I can't find the responsible files, that give the glow it's color.


I think I am going to give up until a SDK is released.

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Hmm. The BlurGlow.jpg is a white texture, and the shader says RGBGen Vertex, so there must be another file that creates the colors, right?

The color_glow files don't seem to be responsible for this.

So where can I change this. This drives me crazy.


Em, if someone from Raven reads this, HEEEEEEELLLLLP, for my sanity!

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