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Lightsaber Colors - Adding New Ones


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I got rid of the yellow glow:


available on my site is a pk3 file with the saber mod: http://billcow0.tripod.com/whitesaber.pk3


I did two things:

recolored the images

commented out the "rgbgen vertex" lines (mentioned earlier).


The only problem is that the light cast on the ground is still yellow, and the other sabers also are sans-colored-glow.


Next thing is to look at the models for the vertex color (that would only affect the yellow saber, and it would change the color of the light created as well... if there are different models for each saber color that is...)

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ok, maybe I'm just stupid but I can't get this to work at all. I extracted the files and change the colors and everything, zip them back up, but when I start the game it doesn't work. Is there something specific I should be naming the .pk3 file. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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I looked through the assets0.pk3 and found the models for the saber handles, (in models\weapons2) but they didn't have any blades attached to them. Nor did it reference any of the glow textures.


The next step is to wait for the SDK to be released; that will surely allow us to change the sabers however we want.



****! Tripod won't let me link to the files on my site. Sorry, there's not much I can do, my actual web site is on my own computer, and it's currently down (MySQL stopped working so the page doesn't work either). Not to mention that I turn my computer off except from about 3 pm to 9 pm EST.

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Well the blur dot texture is I belive what is casted on the ground when u have ur sabre extended. Could the RGB Vertex have something to do w/ another shader ???? I'm looking into it as we speak :) ..err I type : I really want a BLACK sabre w/ a purple glow :D :D

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Well I'm seeing some mention of sabre flares and effects in the effects.shader ..... maybe they have it stread out threw different shaders ?? there is also a yellow glow shader in there that uses the .tga yellow glow file in the sabre model directory.

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I can't remember what it's called, but I think I found the image for the glow on the ground. I just unzipped the .pk3 and did a search for "orange", and I *think* one of the ones I found was the one responsible for the glow. I did this yesterday though, so I might be not be remembering correctly.

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I've been trying to get a new saber colour selectable under the player menu. I've looked at ingame_player.menu in assets1.pk3 but I've had no luck understanding where the colours for choosing are entered. Maybe someone else might know it.


I've added in extra code for the colour I named my files under sabers and ui.shader yet it doesn't appear automatically.



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It is not possible to add a saber, just replace old ones.

For the menu you have to search for this files from the assets0.pk3, and this works:






choose the color you want and replace these textures with your new ones.

You can rename that files, but than you have to search for the filesnames in all files from assets0 and assets1, open the search results with a texteditor and replace the filenames with yours, but that wouldn't make sense at the moment.

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Garik: the black shows up as transparent 'cause of the additive blend mode used in the shader. Change the line in the shader that says "blendFunc GL_ONE GL_ONE" to read "blendFunc FILTER". Then create a saber map with a black core and white background. this should give you a saber that takes away from the stuff behind it rather than adding to it.


Yevin: A teal saber would be easy, but until the sdk comes out, it would have to replace another saber, and the glow on the ground would be that saber's color, and the streched out part when you swing would also be the wrong color.

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I know this is late in the post but I just have to ask cuz meesa going krazy.......


I have been trying to change the color of a saber jpg from the .pk3 with PhotoShop and when I save it, it changes the file size from 2k to 6k. Does the file size matter? If so, how do I save it to the correct size?



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Hmm... I figure that the saber colors are defined in the game code. So (for MP), the cvar color1 has 6 values, 0-5, that select the saber color. Each value is probably accociated with the textures (glow and line) for the appropriate color, then the light source is set to that rgb color value and (possibly) a simple rgb filter is applied to the greyscale blur texture. This would explain why we can't add sabers, change the light color, or change the blur color. (I heard that you can change the blur map color, but all the sabers end up with that color of blur)


That's how I think it works... But I could be wrong, it's mostly theoretical at the moment. So until the sdk comes out, we're kinda stuck. :(

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billcow -


Thanks for the feedback. I did try to change the quality between high, mid and low. The best I could do is get it down to 5k. If the JPEG size doesn't matter, then I must be doing something else wrong to get it to work.


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@ Raptor386



Hm, you are right. I searched all the files for the color1 value, but there is no connection we could use for editing the colors of blur and glow.

The only thing that color1 does is changing the saber to the 6 colors that are in the game.

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I would have assumed that the Quake 3 Engine itself colours the sabers as it is capable of giving an RGB value to a greyscale and recolouring it.. Adding RGB sliders would be pretty easy as far as mods go allowing any RGB value to be assigned to a saber, but would require both a user and server-side mod, so without additional features I suspect it wouldn't take off.



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