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Pulling guns?


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this stymied me also. I tried and tried and tried. its definitly not like JK1, the guns have the advantage here.


when reading the the "rules" for MP it says there is a 'chance' to pull the gun away.. I have occasionally pulled away guns, but I'd guess only about 10% of the time (with multiple pulls also). it seems to work better the closer to the target you are...most times I was practically touching them or they ran by me.


when using a gun, I've noticed sometimes that my gun disappears for like a second and then returns...strange...but I don't think I've ever totally lost it.

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In MP u must be CLOSE to Steal guns , the weapon will drop of your foe hands and fall on ground if not close enough ( well then u can run to pick it up coz your foe will be knocked down )

The way to steal it 100% of time is that u collide with your opponent while pulling him .....then the gun will automatically drop in your hands

The reason why u had your gun dissapear and then reappear is that u walked over your grounded gun ..... mostly your opponent never tried to steal( coz he is not aware this is possible nor how to do it ) , he simply tried to knock u down

Personnally i success in stealing 100% of time ( and the poor schmoe using guns is only left with bryar )

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