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Jumping Puzzles


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Does anyone else think that Starwars based games have too many jumping puzzles?


In the movies how many times do you see a Jedi having to jump across several crates etc to get to the other side. I'd like to see more large scale battles... multiple-jedi type attacks (ala Episode 1) and more action...


Sure solving the puzzles are fun.. but after the first few it starts to get repetative.

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they are incongruous, that is, they have nothing to do with any plausible advance of the game, they are boring, they are archaic i.e. been used too much for too long to extend levels in fps games.


Games like MOH and RTCW have moved beyond this crap, and shown it can be done successfully.


The key searches are another waste of time.

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That's the sort of thing I am talking about.. sure have some doors that you start to burn through (Ala Episode one) and get interupted or have to find another way through, but I find that most SW games have all doors locked until you find the key or kill a person, and heaps of jumping puzzles.


Take the level where you are on Dessans ship and have to program the Rogue Squadron frequency into the communications array... but to activate it you have to jump around that three level puzzle made up of cubical rooms and hit the right panels. That sucked... lets face it, how would ANYONE besides a Jedi be able to activate or change the communications frequency if they needed to? Picture the poor lowly stormtrooper scratching his head and saying "You want ME to try to jump across THERE??? are you ****** nuts?"


The makers of any NEW starwars games need to take a page from MOH and RTCW's book and add less jumpinging puzzles, and take the games closer to the action shown in the movies, with the off puzzle to break up the action and give you a chance to heal.


And possibly have more than one way to complete something.. like the area where you turn off the lights, if you are discovered you get captured immediately.. It should be that you get flooded with troops and if you loose all of your health, or drop below a certain amount THEN you get captured.. I was force choking people happily until one guy happened to hear one enemy collapse to the ground, and activated an alarm panel. :confused:

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exactly my point !


and i think that a little more non-linear missions would be helpful, it's too direct, too straight. You could be stuck for hours if you miss one key, one door, one vent, one soldier. For example, i want to be able to do almost anything a jedi would do. What do you people think of a little more of an adventure-action, where you could actually go all over the ship, put on an officer uniform, and order people around, but i'm probably asking for too much.


One thing I want to see is a Single Player MMORPG, where you can play several campaigns, as a pirate, imperial stormtrooper/officer, dark jedi, good jedi etc.


I know that I'm just dreaming but still dreams can one day become reality.

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Or even for those of us who don't like playing Online, and instead stick so single player or LAN's.. a Duex Ex style Non-linear Starwars based game, where you can do a number of things to complete each level.


Heck, even a star-wars based RP game would be fun.

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