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Please... stop... whining!!!!!!!


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"WA WA WA!!! You shoved me off a ledge!!! You cheater!!!"


You have NO IDEA how tired I am of reading that.


"STOP WITH THE GUNS!! They are so cheesy!"


THAT bugs me even more.


"Sabers and force powers are for newbies."






First one - you can counter force powers, and you can shove them off the ledge just as easily as they can you. Learn to play the gosh dang game.


Second one - guns are a part of the game. If you want saber only, go to a saber only server. Cry me a river if you die via gun - just makes me wanna shoot you even more.


Third one - this one bugs me the most. People that think they are all powerful with guns automatically label people with sabers/force powers "newbies." I consider them (the saber weilding bad-asses) to be the smart ones. They know they aren't playing Quake. They know that the saber can unleash some major whoop-ass if used correctly.. and paired with force powers, it's about 3x better than a single gun. Just because you may have been a "l33t" Quake player doesn't mean you're godly in JKII. There's a whole new play style here. It's NOT quake with sabers. There's too much other stuff that's different, such as the super jumps, the force powers, the sabers, the flips, wall walking, etc.


PLEASE, stop the whining in multiplayer games!!! If someone shoves you off a ledge, seek them out and shove them off. If you get shot, shoot someone to get revenge. Don't type "WA WA WA!!! STOP KILLING ME CHEATER!!!" You just look like an idiot.


End Rant.

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I HAVE to agree with you on this one! I thought i was the only one on this.


Personally, i have the most fun when i'm in a low force, or a no force game. That is just me, that is my play style. I've played Jedi Knight and Jedi Master level games. Honestly, i usually get it handed to me. I don't go near ledges. If i go near a ledge, chances are someone will see me and shove me off. If i get shoved off a ledge or choked, or hit by lightning...that is my own fault for being near an edge of a cliff in a force game and not having absorb up.


I use a light sabre, i am not a newbie, though I am not very good with it, but i do know that when i do get better, ass will be handed. If you can kill me with your gun while i have my sabre out...Kudos.


I do not think guns are cheesy. Each and every person has their own style, if someone likes to use a certain gun and they know how to use it effectivly that is their decision and i am a better player for having played against them.


Unfortunatly what a lot of people do not realize is that force games takes a helluva lot more skill than non force. You have to chose your spec wisely, you have to know exactly how much force you have any any given time, your health, you must know which adversaries are near and you must know when to bring up Protect/Absorb(for light side) when to drain/lighting/choke (dark side). The one comment i personally cannot stand comes from one of my good friends who likes those massivly multiplayer games like EQ and Dark Age(because they require 0 skill, well, maybe they require some skill): "The reason people like to use force powers is because they are Pu****s and its easier to kill someone that way" and i want to say, "Uhh, no its not because i'll push their ass off the nearest ledge, push breaks grip, absorb nullifies lighting and drain, and i can jump out of the way or run around a corner, or even hit speed and run out of range, THEN i will heal myself" and i have, and he doesn't listen. People are like that.


To those of you who have killed me with the force...kudos, for you are a better player than I :) and one day i will be as good as you guys.



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