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Still crossing my fingers...

Guest Syclonix

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Guest Syclonix

Some people will never say JKO is a bad game and all others will do is ***** about it all day long. Right now I'm not sure what to think myself, the game is a real rollercoaster, it has its very cool ups (like finally getting force powers and a lightsaber that can decapitate people) and its very low downs (like the really idiotic who the **** wouldve thought of that puzzle). I understand that Raven had limited time to work on JKO which is why I'm still crossing my fingers that they will make this an enjoyable replayable game through the upcomming patches. After a while single player gets boring and you just don't want to do another jumping puzzle or get-your-ass-fired-a-million-times-by-green-laser puzzles. Unfortunately, multiplayer isn't living up to what I thought it would be either. The future of online gaming is TEAMWORK thats T-E-A-M-W-O-R-K deathmatches and free for alls are things of the past which leave you with a sense of no accomplishment but instead only chaos and ultimately boredom which lead to IMO the downfall of MP in JK1 (although right now, JK1 multiplayer seems to be more stable and balanced then in JKO). And who the hell wants to wait in a line of 16 players to get there chance to duel sum guy? People claim that the multiplayer options are vast and leave you with lots of replay value--I say that's crap! We should be focusing on just a few types of gameplay otherwise people will have to constantly readjust their playing style (choice of weapon, force powers, tactics etc.) because each server has its different force rankings and baning certain weapons. Now most of you would probably tell me to go back and play some other game and quit bothering all of you but then where the hell would my 49.99 dollars worth be? I want a good multiplayer Jedi Knight game dammit!

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