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Not real impressed with the Single player game

Guest Hellbinder

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you are aware that you could hold down the fire button a bit longer to throw the thermal detenator farther, right?


It is apparent to us that we cannot convince you that the game has any redeeming value. It should also be apparent to you, that you are really not having an impact on changing the minds of the majority of the posters here and your statements seem to have an heated effect upon many of the posteres here on this forum.

While I am not aginst your posting here, I find your posts to be...shall we say provacative?...might I recommend that if you truly dislike the game so much, as you purport to, then return it to the establishment from whence you purchased it. You should be able to get a refund for it, or at the very least exhchange it for another game that you would be much more inclined to be happy with.


I am not making a personal attack towards you. I am just wondering as to your motivation. If you hate the game as much as you seem to, then returning it and moving on would be the intelligent thing to do. If, after all this, your motivation is NOT to provide constructive feedback; but merely to complain endlessly, as it would appear (given your posting history) then the label of Troll would be justified.

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"because as another developmental asurdity in JKII, thermal detonators can only be thrown a few millimetres in front of where you happen to be standing when you throw one"


Try holding down the fire key. The longer you hold it down, the harder you throw the grenade. The closer to 45 degrees you are when you release the button, the farther you throw the grenade (basic projectile physics). ;)


I'll complain about the guns!!! When I grabbed my first stormie rifle I whipped around the corner ready to take out some troops. I lined up my crosshair and fired...again...and again...and again....(you get the point) hitting nothing but air. The gun is so woefully inaccurate its absurd. If I have my crosshair on someone and fire one round from a gun, it should hit them at least 90% of the time (unless they are a Jedi/Sith). Why use a blaster when *real* projectile weapons fire more accurately, with much higher velocities, and have longer ranges? Are SW engineers too stupid to make a gun that fires a bolt STRAIGHT out of the muzzle like any normal gun?


It's like they took each type of gun (smg=stormie rifle, shotgun=flechette, assault rifle=heavy repeater, etc) and exploited its weakness ten-fold. By doing so, you remove its usefulness in the situation the gun is designed for. NONE of the weapons save the sniper rifle (and only because of its long range) are at all useful in SP once you have your saber (not true in MP). I realize the lightsaber should be a powerful weapon and I think Raven did a wonderful job with it, but I like JK because both the the saber AND the guns are useful.


Anyway, that's my rant for the day and my major gripe with the game. The force and the lightsaber are almost perfect in every regard. I still had fun playing the game, and it was definitely a worthwhile investment. :)

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Originally posted by Kurgan

I'm suprised we haven't had more complaints about the guns. I played MP (and botmatch) right off the bat, and loved it. Had a ball....


But when I picked up SP, (even though I knew there were significant differences in gameplay) I was heavily annoyed by the fact that the guns accuracy dropped exponentially.


I actually really enjoyed the inaccuracy of the guns. Obviously it is a tad stupid when you fire point blank at a stormtrooper and miss, but in general it gave a great feeling to the game and I think it stuck true to the Star Wars environment... lasers going off all of the place, utter chaos. Ok, one can argue it isn't realistic, surely future weapons would be more accurate and that sniper rifle is definately a step back in technology; it gives away your position. However, in the name of gameplay, such "issues" are easily accepted. Linked in, is it me or are multiplayer weapons more accurate? I seem to hitting people left right and centre in MP.


However, it might have been better to offer the guns in SP at an earlier stage, after all, I'm sure most of us were running around with the light sabre 90% of the time when we got it. With that said, maybe that helps the replaying factor, going through it again with only guns.


Just a note on multiplayer... I must say, after the initial few hours, I'm kind of disappointed. The sabre fights, being very unlike those in SP, tend to be a hack and slash feast. 1 on 1 is ok, but it still doesn't feel like it does in SP. In addition, the game modes are rather tedious. We've all played CTF and free for all, how about something else? I love round based games and objectives add a real spice. Could we also see some sort of class system. It looks stupid with stormtroopers running around with light-sabres and the force which results in a bastardising of the entire Star Wars universe. I like to feel I'm a unqiue part of a team when I play on line. Class systems do that... they offer you the chance to be part of a wall, that needs to be built through co-operation and a distribution of skills. How about giving specific charcters specific skills and features, such as weapons, items, skills (I'd also like to see the ATST in MP) and even weapon accuracy.

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Hmm, some good points here along with some 'this game is teh suk!1!' and 'this game roxxors!!1' type comments.


The two 'pixel hunt' examples used earlier I too got stuck on. The first one (the window with the exploding crate by the switch) took me about 5 minutes or so to figure out, not that big a deal.


The second (the extending pipe underneath the heat room) I wound up reading a spoiler on. I smacked my forehead when I read the spoiler though, I had seen that pipe at the beginning of the level and thought 'gee I bet you have to jump on that later on', but I had stopped playing for the day shortly after that and completely forgotten about it by the time I made it to that area the next day. The camera does show the area, but it doesn't default to that view when you use the monitor. Navarus also raises a valid point, the cameras had not been used prior to that to show a scene that possibly required you to stare at the monitor for 30 seconds~, or whatever the full cycle of the heat room was. However, like I said I hit myself on the head when I read the spoiler, you can clearly see the room underneath the red room from multiple places, it is pretty logical since there is no way to stop the room from heating up in the room itself that you should try and figure out how to get below. Also, while I did die once in the tunnel, I was pretty sure it was going to happen - if the heat room wasn't safe than most likely anything not sealed off from the heat room was not going to be safe as well. I had plenty of time to individually shoot each tube once I figured out the tunnel was dangerous though.


Regarding the gun accuracy - the only truly accurate gun is the disintegrator while zoomed in. ALL the other guns are pretty bad in SP once you get beyond a certain distance for each gun. The bowcaster is fairly accurate at long distance, and anything medium and below its fine as long as your target isn't moving. The stormtrooper rifle is pretty bad though, for the single fire its fine at short range and fairly accurate at medium, but the alt-fire is really only usefull vs. groups of enemies or turrets at pretty short range. I vaugely remember the blaster being an innacurate weapon in Dark Forces as well, but that was what 6 or 7 years ago last I played it. Its only truly annoying (to me) the few times you come up against an officer or trooper that rapid fires at you before you get the saber as they seem to have none of the innacuracy issues when rapid firing.


The game definitely changes once you get your saber, and for the better. I felt guilty leaving so much ammo laying around though. =)

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Thermal detonators are useless because you only throw them a few millimeters??


Once again Navaros has proven his own ineptitude which he is blaming on the game . The longer you hold down fire the further you throw.


Perhaps reading the manual mightve helped you.


And stop bringing up that ledge wah you can only see it at this exact angle its soo hard, a blind man could see the switch there ok just shut the hell up about it.

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