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Lightsaber Guide- 1 hit kill move & all


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After a few days playing all duel mode here's some things I've picked up on dueling and using the saber, hope some of this will be helpful!


While using the saber, as you swing try and position your crosshair on the guy as your swing is in motion. If you're on level 3 and your crosshair is right on the guy as you're swing is going on usually he won't be able to block it at all.


-1 hit kill Deep Swing- Level 3 only


Probably the one that barely anyone knows about yet from what I've seen. Do any attack in the air, preferabbly an attack+jump, then just as you land do another jump. You'll do a long deep swing into the ground - if it hits your enemy it'll usually kill him with 1 blow. Forward attack then jump, then as you land hit jump again. It can be done quickly plus on your 2nd jump you do a large hop forwards. Disadvantage would be that you're open to attack sometimes, gotta watch out. Best way to kill someone with this is to go right at them and sometimes they'll jump up; if you hit them in the air they always die. This move is blockable but it's reaaally rare to block it from what I've seen..


-Strafe right attack- Level 3 only


Probably the move that you should be using the most. Strafe right + attack on level 3 does the largest swing in the game and has the best chance of hitting, plus you can move around and position yourself as you swing. On new guys, hitting them once with this move and then switching back to level 1 and finishing them off with a duck +forward attack works well (which does a forward upper swipe). Better opponents usually won't be hit by that move though unless by accident. If you're fighting someone good stick to the strafe right attack swing.


-Flip attack & retreat- Level 3 Only


For those who don't have the manual, this is probably the safest move to do, and probably the hardest one to get a hit on. Run forward, hit attack and then jump. Then as you land, IF it doesn't hit move back and jump. You can repeat this over and over like a combo. If it does it you can go in for the kill, if it hasn't killed the guy already hehe. This is the same move you should use with the 1 hit kill combo.


These are the main moves that you should get used to that have worked for me, I've gont on almost 20 kill streaks with these alone. The other level 1 and level 2 moves seem to be more risky and leave you open for attack too much. If you're using levels 1 or 2 it's better to be a bit quicker. Level 3 lets you position, aim and think better. I thought I'd start this thread up for more advanced saber moves, seems there are some combos yet undiscovered like the deep swing above so let's hear em!

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I take it by you saying level 1 2 or 3 means the fast medium and heavy attacks?

I have noticed from playing around in SP with spawning multiple npc's and fighting 2 tavions at a time that the left+attack is very benificial for the main reason that with how the saber is placed in front of you it goes from your hands and tilts to the right in the case of fast and medium, heavy pretty much straight up and down. Now facing someone if you use a left+attack your blade will travel in the same direction as the oponents blade, thus cutting them in their left side, if you face a lil to their left side. If you do a right+attack it will more than often crossblades, resulting in a block. This is mostly just for medium, pretty much what I use all the time.

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Well after reading hte first post i wrote the moves down into my ltitle book of stuff (im keeping a record of everying to try because i want to be so winner at this game :p)


i was stuffing ariound with forward + attack + jump + jump move (the one hit kill move) and i accidentally pressed and held throw light saber instead of attack


this is such a win move

it hits 3x as far as im aware, TWICE doing a big overhead swing which is like dual one hit kills


looks absolutely sweet too


give it a burl

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the problem with this large swing strafe attack is that ur soo vulnerable after the attack ... if an opponent is just a littel intelligent he will jump over the attack and cut you into pieces with his attack ... ich like to use the forward + right / left straft + attack ... it makes a smaller swing but ur faster able to block und ur saber is diagonal so it is covering u while attacking ...

IMHO the better attack if ur playn with a good one ... but i like slaughtering noobs anyway , u just have time to aim ... all that nerveus whirling and spinning ... phe ... :p:D

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Pretty good strategies, but they ARE Multiplayer strategies if I'm not mistaken? :)


Because I think the jump + attack then jump again thing actually doesn't work in single player sabering? I've tried it a couple of times, never managed to get it to work.. I could be wrong.


If these are multiplayer tactics, they really should be in the other forum :)



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