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Hehe, it must suck to live in America for buying games then :D

I live in Singapore and here nearly all games cost rougly S$50 (except RTCW: damn you id!). Same as with you, right? Kinda, 'cept the Singapore $ was worth about half as much as the US$ last time I checked. ;)

Not sure if that's still the case though.



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Well, if you don't know when the demo will come out, care to speculate? I have mostly seen JK2 for $50 whereever I go, ten bucks too much :( BTW the JK2 box looks like a movie is in there!


I've never had the impulse or want to shoplift before, but movie size box+ months of wait to drop the price+ amazing game= dying of game want. If I don't get something soon..... I will terminate! :)

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I tell you, it ain't out yet.... I searched fileplanet for Jed Knight II demos, Jedi Knight, Jedi Knight II. Nothing like a demo. Haven't Raven our Lucasarts released anything about when a demo will come out? With most games the demo comes out right away, I mean all you have to do is slap together one level and the engine from the game. But it could be like Tribes2, wait a year for the demo.

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