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Patch idea for force jump?


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As I was playing this marvelous game the other day I thought of something that I can't remember having been spoke about on these great forums. In the game one can force jump into the air, going higher and higher, sort of like in Willy Wonka, lol (not to compare the two.) But anyway does anyone else think it would be a good idea to include with force jump a force fall, or something like that. The ability to fall/lower oneself at a steady rate. If you think about it, it really only makes since, why wouldn't you, as a Jedi, be able to do that. It would make for some interesting gameplay, and the puzzels in the game, or *crossing fingers* the expansion/sequel could be even more complex and tougher. *Side note* For all those people whining about the jumping puzzels...wha wha wha :violin: Quit whining! Suck it up, and get over it, pun inteneded, lol! Getting past the puzzles leaves you with the "I did it!" feeling that helps out with the game play. I think the puzzles are great. Are they frustrating...ya, sometimes they are. But that's life :D so deal with it! Anyway, any comments on the new force power idea? Or any other new force powers that should be added...

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Well, there is a "force fall", sorta. I'm pretty sure that when you force jump to a great height, you come down slower than you would if you were to "fall", per se. Correct me if I'm wrong.

Apart from that, the force fall idea doesn't make much sense to me. Wouldn't falling slower make the puzzles easier instead of harder since you'd have more time to aim your landing?



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