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Guns + duels in MP


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I really love using the guns on multi-player and barely use the saber but i was playing a game a few minutes ago and people started complaining and started votes to kick me off cos i was using guns heaps and i killed a person who says he was about to start a duel with another person (but how should i know). What are your views on this?

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I think the problem is that you are allowed to have sabers and guns in one map. This obviously causes the saber users to get pissed of since they just wanna hack other people with their saber and don't want to have to worry about getting shot.

I think there should be only two game types: Sabers only and Guns only. That would solve that problem at least.



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Saber only servers are a dime a dozen, if you want to play with a saber only crew, then go there, for everyone else, guns and sabers and force are all elements of the game, people who are getting trounced by gun users just don't understand how to neutralize elements of guns.

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Originally posted by McDeth

I think you are gay for killing somebody who was about to duel. And your name sounds familiar..Have I played with you online?


How should i know if he was about to duel? Especially when I was innocently running around shooting people in a small area experiencing extreme lag (pity my dial-up).


I agree with you Hubris, guns lightsabres and force powers are all parts of the game (although i beleive guns are much better than sabres). Also i go by a different name.

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Didn't you see the big sign above his head that said "Im about to start a duel so don't shoot me!'


This is exactly the reason I don't play MP games at all anymore, there are far to many people who ***** about the way they die. I believe in fairness of play but when your on one of those melee servers everything is happening so fast it's shoot or be shot. Screaming I was about to start a duel sounds like a serious whiner remark to me.


Some people really do need to shrug their shoulders and say 'that's the nature of the beast' and everyone would have a much happier time.

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I'm the type of person that will start to ***** about stuff during a game when I get frustrated.


It IS frustrating trying to start a duel and you get ganked, but it happens, and it will keep happening, try to work em up in a safe area :)

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