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Does this piss anyone else off?


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Yeah, I know what you mean. What I think would be better is that you could access a "Duel" menu from the in-game menu (i.e. the one you get when you press escape) that way you would a) be invulnerable while you select your dueling opponent from a simple menu (voting style) and b) you could challenge someone from a secluded corner of the map where there is virtually no danger of getting hacked to bits by a saber-crazy mofo.



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ok, good points from all of you guys, how a cool compilation of all those points.............


when you hit the duel key, you are temporarily invulnerable(for like 10 seconds) while you are invlnerable, u cant move, then via a drop down menu, or a point and click one, you select someone to duel, after selection, it returns you to fighting stance(with about 2 seconds of invulnerability left, to compose) then its back to swinging the ole sword.




keep it same way only once you target someone for duel, both of you are frozen and invulnerable, for like 5 seconds, enough time to decide, if he turns down duel, then it will return you back to normal. think of it like a one of the weapons, u place crosshair on him, select duel, and bam, both are frozen until a decision. and you can dummy proof it, like if he declines deul, it quickly flashes " assume fighting stance", then boom, its back ta clobbering.



i would like to see this capability refined. i like to go back after that guy who choked the shist(english for a bucket of rocks) out of me and threw me over the railing, lol, and challenge him to a duel, i get a feeling of payback, after i do.


anyway just a though.

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Unikorn: The entire point of dueling is to have it on FFA servers so that others won't interfere. It's a whole lot more fun to run around and kill people and every once in a while have a strict duel, perhaps against someone who beat you before. And that way there's no waiting to do something like on Duel Servers.


Njal Storm: The problem with that idea is that it targets another as well. This could easily be used against people. Imagine: CTF game, someone selects duel on the persona chasing their flag carrier down. The chaser is stopped, long enough for the carrier to get away. Or in team FFA, someone's winning a fight, so the losing person challenges their attacker to a duel. Either they get a chance to win without their attacker using non-passive Force Powers and duel one-on-one, or they stop their attacker long enough for help to arrive.


As for making one invincible, that can also be used for abusing. My question is: how close are you standing when you challenge? You don't have to be point-blank range, and if someone ever charges me when I'm doing that (it's happened), I just leap or roll out of the way and unsheath my saber. You don't have to be rubbing against each other, you can be about ten feet or so away.

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I've been killed more than a few times when challenging people to duels...what's MORE annoying is the gunwhore who shoots the BOTH of you with two rockets just before invul comes on. And don't forget the assholes who just hack and slash away at you when your saber is off and you're crouching. They see the challenge, but do they give a ****? Noooo..they just make chop suey out of you.

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ok, let me rephrase, now im a triber, i stop 4 a bit 'cause i luv star wars, but... there should be no deuling in ctf, or team anything...


and for the next guy...... i agree about a honor system about non-combatants, however... i sneak around, or just plane turn my sword off when not fighting, because snipers dont see u as well. another guy said that a true non-combatant is a guy w/ sword in hand but off, and crouching, i like that better.

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I played FFA today, and scored 13 out of 40, because I don't really care about that list.


9 of those 13 were Duels so I was pretty proud.


I would however like to see 100 life given to duelers. It'd be a good bonus for dueling, and after the match is over you most likely will be down on health anyways.


Final Note: Do you guys really like Spamming those weak guns at people who are battling it out saber to saber? Very unskillful if you ask me... Which you didn't.:boushh:

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The only problem with the 100 health at start of duel is that it can be abused for a heal. Low on health? challenge to a duel, when the person accepts run away and break the duel contact. You just got a heal for free.


I don't see it as that big a deal, but it's still there.


As far as dueling goes. I'm pretty sure you can only challenge to an offical duel (with invulnerability to other people) in FFA and holocron mode, but not in the team games. I've ended up in un-official duels in those modes (in one the other people respected it enough to leave us alone). but not the challenge method.



Also, Saber Off doesn't mean non-combatant. I turn my saber off all the time why? 1) harder to see me 2) due to 1 I'm less likely to be sniped. 3) it's quieter letting me move around without drawing as much attention. 4) it throws people off guard when you jump over them and your saber springs to life with an attack (people are still thrown off that click ignites the saber while attacking).


I agree that maybe being crouched with saber off means non-combatant. But standing with a saber off doesn't mean that much (though I usually don't go right off and attack theperson).

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