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Loading custom keyboard bindings


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I want all the force powers to be easily accessible, but mapping all light and dark powers into one key map is too difficult for my fingers, so I want to have 4 keys that do different things depending on if I have light or dark side selected.


I created 2 files:



bind q "force_absorb"

bind r "force_heal"

bind t "force_distract"

bind f "force_protect"



bind q "+force_grip"

bind r "+force_drain"

bind t "force_rage"

bind f "+force_lightning"


Now the problem is that it's tedious to type in exec commands into the console every time I want to switch, so I made one more file that I run when I start up:



bind F1 exec "lightforcekeys.cfg"

bind F2 exec "darkforcekeys.cfg"


However, I still have to exec that in the console. I have 3 questions:


Q1) How could I set this up so that I don't have to exec anything but the last file is loaded automatically?


Q2) Can I do this in another more clever way and avoid having three files?


Q3) Where can I find this info? I've been looking but I'm (at this point anyway) NOT interested in skinning or making maps, just customizing the interface in this way...

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