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My 2 & a half cents on JK2!!


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Id like to thank Raven for making a great game! and i hope we will see an expansion for this beauty. More MP models.


Played single player was great a little slow till you get the lightsaber but after that its great till the end.


Multiplayer is in one word awsome, its all i play now aside for some MOHAA.


After playing 3 years of CS i had forgotten why i was playing multiplayer games online."ITS TO HAVE FUN" and JK2 delivers.


I Quit CS in 2001 just before OGC came out =).

At the time clans like WEW,TDK,$IK,X3 to mention a few had about 85% percent of the players in them cheating, kinda sad, i know cause i was one of them.


I think Raven took care of some of the problems encountered and inevitable in CS with "forces" like seeing or speed, we wont have idiots make those cheats since they are built in and everyone can use them i think its great. Oh and yes i use Seeing alot so dont try to hide with the flag =)


Cant wait to start mapping for JK2, sdk next week Raven you promised ;).


Hoth level coming from yours truly when i get my hands on the sdk from Raven if i dont spend all my time playing online.




(For the brainless CS players out there who remember me and still play CS "May the Force be With You and Your OGC")

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