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Video Card Question


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Im probably going out later today to buy jedi knight II(ps long time lover of dark forces 2 jedi knight). But does anyone know if any of the voodoo 3 series video cards(which are 16mb and run Star Trek Elite Force fine) are compadible with JKII? Or is it only the listed cards under support? Thanks :fett:


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I have a Voodoo5 card and have a problem with loading saved games. Anyway, I found a thread that was full of people with Voodoo cards that had this same problem. There were several Voodoo 3 users, and it seemed that this was their only problem. There's a work around for this.


Anyway, I'll think it'll run. You'll just have the loading issue like every other Voodoo user.


FYI, I have no problems with my Voodoo5 in Multiplayer. Runs Great!



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