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Galactic Battleground

Grand Admiral

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I totally love Star Wars and this game is just blows me off!!!! I have played the Age of Empire and the Ages of Kings and they are okay but with advance technolgy and my favorite things in it i just love so it makes it more enjoyed. I love building bomber fleets to attack other people with. So what i am saying is that anybody that disses this games is to meet me on the zone and come fight me. I shall prove to that person that this game is the best. I have only lost 3 out of 15 games. Anybody with me about this? If so post here saying I with ya and we will kill the people that disses the game(no not real killing :D ) well just thought i would say that

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I'm glad you like the game, the majority of complaints around the internet about this game appear to come from AoK/AoE players, so to hear that you are wrapped with it is great.


I'm not a fan of the AoK series, however I did like the style of gameplay and the way everything works, what I never got used to was the units etc I'd rather my guys had blasters than arrows, it's the time that it's set in that didnt appeal to me so I never played it much, but Galactic Battlegrounds is just so fine :D good engine and a period (albeit a fantasy timeline) that appeals to me.


welcome to the forums :atat:

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