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Loading Problem


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By chance do you have a Voodoo card? I found a thread where everyone was experiencing this problem and they all have voodoo cards. One person mentioned that when this happens, if you ESC and get back to the main menu, go into your video settings and change one thing (like detail level). Then the video driver will reset and you'll be able to load a saved game again. And just repeat each time it occurs.


I haven't actually tested it yet (I have a Voodoo5), but it sounded like it might work.



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I have the same problem where it wont load.


But I also get two other problems.


1) It slows down when I go to the loading screen, to load a saved game.


2) I dont get a 'graphic' when I QuickLoad. I either get a light grey screen, a half light and half dark grey screen, or a backwards Lucas Arts logo. It loads when I get the backwards Lucas Arts logo, but it doesn't always load when I get the grey screens. The blue bar still apears though, on the grey screens and the backwards logo.


Ive got a Voodoo 3.

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