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SP dismemberment question


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I am playing JO single player right now and just enabled the SP dismemberment "hack", (realisticsabre 1, etc. )... and now when I fight common aliens, it only takes one good swing to send them flying in pieces... which I like! (this is how it should be, IMO)


But, I am only on Nar Shadda, and have not encountered any "jedi" NPCs yet, and I know that people on this board have said that using this console command unbalances the game.


My question is: Does changing this dismemberment setting affect battles with jedi NPCs? I like laying waste to aliens with my lightsabre, but I do not want to short change myself when it comes to the extended NPC battles that are coming later in the game. Will leaving extended dismemberment on ruin these jedi battles?



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***Slight Spoilers****















I've had dismemberment on and fought a few of the jedi and IMO the battles are still fun because they block your incoming swings so they're usually not easy to kill, although I once had a lucky swing that killed one 2 seconds after I saw him.

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Yeah, the saber in that mode is still as deadly to saber using foes as it is to storm troopers and what not.


But a reborn/dark jedi has a better chance against you due to the fact that they can block your saber.


Also since they're using sabers as well... Well lets just say it's more realistic for them as well.

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I don't think they do.


And about the NPC jedi chopping you up as easily as you do to them... Well that's just what I heard, I should of stated that before. I don't know if that's true or not. But I am planing on testing it tonight when I get a chance.

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its quite true , ive had reborn slice bits off me and kill me instantly , though i didnt find dismemberment to make the fights any easier?? i got several solid blows on them and dismemberment never occurred until they died , and likewise with it turned off i have been able to still score 1 hit kills on shadow troopers /shrug

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Reborn still have your shield to go through. Once thats down, your fair game, even if you brush your arm on theirs your toast...


If I turn this cheat on, I usually play on a harder setting to make the game as close to the star wars universe as possible.

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thanks for the info :)


One thing I was wondering... And perhaps this happened just because I wasn't "lucky". I played a bit in a older saved game lastnight with this on. I noticed I lopped off lims, but nothing really that much different then normal, other then it happening a bit more offten.


Doesn't these commands, make it so you can cut people in half and such as well?

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Originally posted by Vanor

thanks for the info :)


One thing I was wondering... And perhaps this happened just because I wasn't "lucky". I played a bit in a older saved game lastnight with this on. I noticed I lopped off lims, but nothing really that much different then normal, other then it happening a bit more offten.


Doesn't these commands, make it so you can cut people in half and such as well?


Yes you can cut people in half with this on, and it happens almost all the time.

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Hey hey. I've actually beaten the game (not going to reveal anything ;), and while I was playing, I was using that pk3 file...the mutilate one. But, I noticed that after a while, it kind of...stopped working. I stopped chopping stuff off as often. Every once in a while, it'd happen...but not much.

Also, on the console, for g_saberRealisticCombat 1 and g_dismemberment 1, do I have to type \set first, before the commands? I can't seem to get comformation after I type them.

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Originally posted by Dark Cloak

Also, I find it harder to cut off legs and torsos with just the commands, rather than that mod...anyone else notice anything like that?


I haven't used that mod, but with g_saberRealisticCombat turned on, I actually seemed to sever torsos in two the most, decapitate 2nd most, then arms and legs after that. But maybe that has a lot to do with my sabre fighting style? (I stick to the medium stance most of the time). Like I said, I haven't tried that mod, but I sliced enemies in two at the torso a LOT with that option turned on, sometimes getting them in the torso first, then hacking off a leg or arm as the two halves of their body went flying.

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Originally posted by enDless_Deliriu

I don't believe there is a confirmation






devmapall (or helpmeobi 1)

and then

g_saberrealisticcombat 1


you don't need to set dismemberment with realistic combat


Your right....all I type in is devmapall to enable the cheats (helpmeobi 1 works too as stated above) and g_saberRealisticCombat 1 that's it...it works. I have found though that you have to retype these in after a new level loads. You don't have to do it if there is just a cinematic screen only if there is a new level.

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Originally posted by Forhekset


I haven't used that mod, but with g_saberRealisticCombat turned on, I actually seemed to sever torsos in two the most, decapitate 2nd most, then arms and legs after that. But maybe that has a lot to do with my sabre fighting style? (I stick to the medium stance most of the time). Like I said, I haven't tried that mod, but I sliced enemies in two at the torso a LOT with that option turned on, sometimes getting them in the torso first, then hacking off a leg or arm as the two halves of their body went flying.

Yeah, it's all about the swing. If you use the heavy stance overhead swing, it's actually possible to sever the body at almost every single location possible (excluding wrists). Looks really cool in slo-mo. Depending on where your final strike is is how they'll sever. You can also sit there and continue to sever body as they're on the ground. A fun thing for me to do is kill a Stormtrooper, and if he falls to his knees, just stand there. The lightsaber will burn his head and arms off. :)


Small flaw: Sometimes when you decapitate, another head reappears on the body as the old one flies off...

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Wow, my first post. Anyway, I just thought it would be umm...nescessary to let everyone know that lightsabers are not [supposed] to "dismember" people. They make microscopic [incisions] that are also cauterized by the heat of the saber.


"No, Azrael, you fool! They cut off limbs! Luke's hand got cut off by Darth Vader!"


Yeah, but that's part of the storyline.


"Well, duh, Darth Maul got cut in half by Obi-Wan!"


For effect only. Shall I point out every other person {not droid} sliced by the saber doesn't get cut in half. Hello, Jabba's sail barge anyone? But if you still don't [agree] with me, then read Dark Force Rising. It explains it in the book, you uneducated [boob] :)

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hi welcome hear *forks over lightsaber(re) candy bar gift TM*


ok time for the shreading of the post!


hmm if gorgey boy says lightsabers are not 'posta slice and dice, then it would NOT DO IT AT ALL! no mauly on naboo. no obi in the bar. no hand on bespin. no arm on dsii. oh but all those things happend..... (btw the sailbarge you refer to: HELLO! it was filmed in 1982! the efects did not allow for that at that stage in time.(no computers! :rolleyes: ) oh btw know why lukes saber is GREEN in that sceen? no way to fil a blue lightsaber on a desert backround.....)i have read dfr many times yet cannot think of what you are refering to, please tell us more.




ps: btw, evr think of the T vs. M ratings?:rolleyes: same reason the the spesal edd. on RotJ did not add that one sceen:rating! lucas did not want r rating. simple.

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Logical opinios, but if lightsabers [are] supposed to 'slice and dice,' then why doesn't it do it with everybody? Interesting. Wait! ... have... a... plan. Maybe, certain lightsaber [crystals] react with different [specices] types. Okay, Obi-Wan's [lightsaber] sliced off the aqualish's arm, but Luke's didn't cut through [stormtroopers] or anything else. It could also be the [intensity] settings. That would make more sense. As for the T-M rating, I understand. I [think] the game is cooler without all the slicey dicey why'd ja slice off my hand stuff.

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Azrael maybe its just a and its just for [dramatic] effect and to look ["cool"]. Lightsabers aren't [real] [anyway] so how do me know what [they] are [supposed] to do or [not do]?


And it a lightsaber went all the way through someone, cauterizing both sides of the wound as you say...wouldn't it make sense, that since the two halves are not joined together anymore, the limb would simply fall off?

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I've been doing a LOT of fiddling with the various commands for realistic combat, and here's what I've found


g_saberRealisticCombat 0. This is the default setting, with this turned off, your saber will rarely dismember something, and merely brushing someone with it will not cause them to fall into pieces and die.


g_saberRealisticCombat 1. Turns on the "one touch kills all" effect of the saber, and merely brushing anybody will kill them USUALLY. This is very dependant on how much health the npc in question has. Tavion and Desann, for example, have such amounts of health that they will survive a brush or a decent swipe even with the realistic part turned on, and on higher difficulty levels, so will some of the Reborn and the shadowtroopers.


g_saberRealisticCombat 2-xx. I haven't noticed anything different with these settings compared to 1, despite some claims I've read to the contrary..



g_dismemberment 1. I'm not sure, but I THINK this is the default setting. On this setting, you will only slice off hands and arms. I have had one different slice at one point, but perhaps the engine goofed up or something. Out of all the tests I ran, I only saw arms and hands being chopped off.


g_dismemberment 2. I'm pretty sure that this setting does NOT do anything different from 1 if you do not have realisticCombat turned on. On this setting (with realistic turned on), you will also slice off legs.


g_dismemberment 3. With realistic turned on, this setting will turn on the whole shebang, heads and bodies will be severed along with everything else.



g_dismemberProbabilities 0-xx. I cannot figure out if this really does anything or not. I think you get fewer dismemberments if you set this to 0, but the saber still kills on a brush with realistic turned on, so I'm not completely sure. I didn't notice anything change all that much if I set it higher or not. Perhaps this setting only makes a difference if you have realisticCombat turned OFF.



And yes, realisticCombat makes the game MUCH easier, it also makes most of the Reborn battles a bit easier (DEFINITELY if you use Force Speed), but they can surprise you sometime. I was showing someone "how cool it is to chop a Reborn up with a lightsaber", I move in, swing, the RebornBoss does a short little jab and cuts off my head, in full slo mo. Needless to say, that was not amusing :D


Also, there are a few other lightsaber variables in the engine, but I haven't gotten around to testing those yet.



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I don't think you should look at it so black and white about sabers chopping people in half ALL the time.


Perhaps it's possible that in instances when the enemies haven't lost body parts is because only the tip of the lightsaber has been used against them, rather than half the length of the blade, which would presumably result in sliced chunks. Like when Han Solo uses Luke's saber to cut open the Tauntaun in ESB. He's just using the end of it. See what I mean? :)

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