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Newb question!


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Two questions, totally newbie, sorry last night was my first night playing and OH did I have a blast.


1) Which style is predominant in multiplayer? I found in strong light saber style I would get a kill if I hit, but hitting was near impossible. However, in med and low power, it felt like I wasn't even hitting most of the time when it really should have been. Help is greatly appreciated. :)


2) Special moves/slashes? I know hitting up does one slash, and up right does another slash.....when do these come into play? I haven't seen a really good saberist yet, so far everyone just jumps into battle swinging their arse off, so I'm wondering how strategy comes into play with swings or if it's just a strafe a lot and swing kind of thing. Again, any responses are appreciated. :)


Thanks guys, hope to see ya online somewhere.

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If you are looking for some mp sessions with some actual saberists, me and some of my friends are getting pretty good with those sabers. We know some pretty good moves and we are able to duel quite well.


As far as stances go, heavy stance (imo) is meant to be used when you have to clear out a lrage area of 3 or more people. there are so many people in one spot that with one swing in heavy stance, you are almost guaranteed a kill. Light and medium stanced (imo) are meant for duels. thats where i use them. since there are only 2 people going at it in a duel, using heavy stance (slower swing) is just too slow. by the time you finish swinging you are dead because some guy flipped over you or rolled uner you and stabbed you in the back. Light and medium give you a good chance in a duel, unless you are just plain good with heavy stance.


By the way, those people you see swinging around in circle looking like dorks, are just that, dorks. they dont know how to play the game. they have to saber technique. often they are easy to beat. so dont worry about them, just develop a good technique and take their butts down.


If you want to find me on the zone my name is POV_MasterYoda. Also, your name looks familiar. Have i seen you in one of my games?

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Don't think you could've seen me considering last night was my first night ever and I was playing as BB_Morpheus. However, I do thank you for your info and would love to duel with you guys sometime. I'm a hardcore gamer in the sense that when a game like this comes out and grabs my interest, I want to get owned by every master out there so I can absorb information on how to do it myself. :) I'll set up a Zone account tonight and maybe we can play, thusfar I've been using the in game server finders.


As far as technique, what do you recommend as far as learning a technique? I suppose it's just more tweaking and spending time learning how long it takes to swing the sword after I click the mouse, and then learn how to put a body in there during that time. Thanks again, hopefully I'll run into ya.

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Another question on attack power:

I see a lot of posts of people talking about a red swing then a yellow swing.....is a red swing a heavy hit? Secondly, do you have a key nearby to switch stances? I find reaching for L in the middle of a battle is a pain in the arse. Gotta work on rebinding a lot of my stuff tonight to see if it can be made a little easier on me. :) Still looking for some of the keys and that can be a real detrement in a battle with someone who knows what they're doin..

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Since i use the dircetional arrows instead of the a, s, d, w (correct me if a am wrong) keys to move, i had to bind all of the keys around the directional keys. for instance, i use the 0 on the number pad to switch my stances, the ctrl key to jump, shift key to crouch, end key to challenge a duel. i use the rest of the number pad for my force powers, but since i have a 5 button optical mouse, i have binded some of the keys on my mouse to make my gaming easier. i use the left button for attack, right for secondary. i use the scroll to srcoll thru my weapons. i use the 4th button to scroll thru my force powers and my 5th to use the force power. overall i am pretty happy with my setup.


As far as technique goes, you will develop your own. personally, since i am a duelist, i usually taunt my opponent with the saber throw to decrease their sheields. i usually follow up with some special moves involving jumps, rolls, and other manuevers. i have played mp quite a bit and i have only been defeated on a regular basis by a few people. im not the best, but i am pretty good. have fun and good luck.

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Well I was hardly expecting to jump right in and take on experienced Veterans, but I do expect if you kicked my ass for a week or so I'd start doing a pretty good job of holding my own. :) Hopefully tonight I'll run into ya. I don't get off work until 6pm PST so I won't be on until 7, but I can guarantee I'll be on from 7pm until...oh....say 3am. ;)

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I would hardly say that i am a verteran. i dont think anyone is a veteran yet. i have only had the game for 5 days and only a few have had it longer than that. hardly enough time to become a veteran. but i do consider myself pretty good. i can hold my own ina saber duel. i am living in ohio, so i am 3 hours ahead of you. so i probably wont see you till 10pm my time. i hope to see you in a game.

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My suggestion is to find a style and stick with it. Learn its quirks, limitations, and most importantly, its speed. Eventually once you master this stance, you can learn the others and when to use them (for instance, if you want to break up a crowd you can use the heavy stance since you wont be attacked right off).

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I'm gonna go along with this whole newb question line... I keep hearing a bout a kick... what is this? I'm fully down to get some deuling on, I need to get a good workout and improve them saber skills. I work with morph, and I'll be home around the same time as he, would be fully down to get down on a game with you guys.


zone Name : Dr_Crank_CA

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The kick you are referring to (i hope) is a little move that you can use in close combat. basically what it is, is when in close combat, at the last second before running into the front of your opponent, you jump. you end up doing a backflip off of your opponents face. i have lost track of how many people i have killed with a good swift kick to the face. I hope this is what you are referring to, if not, i shall try to find out.


I shall be on during weekdays until 11pm or 12am est. on teh weekends you may find me up during the early morning hours. hope to catch you online.

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