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Way back when, Q2 set my standards and expectations in FPS games pretty high, and since then, while I have enjoyed FPS games that have afterwards come out, I have been somewhat disappointed in them from a SP aspect, and in many cases, MP as well. Sure they might have great graphics, but lack in truly challenging content. For example, in SP, they all seemed way too linear, with little in the way of good puzzles, intrigue, scarey levels and challenge.


Well, I should say I was disppointed in games after Q2 up until last night. Yup, I ran out last night and bought myself a copy of JK2. I was a bit skeptical at first, thinking this might turn out to be some cheezy sci-fi game that only Star Wars fans could really enjoy - boy was I wrong!


After getting home I installed the game, and started up a single player game on Jedi Master level. By the way, I have only ever had at most 50 health points. Is this because I am playing on Jedi Master level? I haven't had a chance to play around with the different game types yet, but maybe someone can shed some light.


Granted, I have only reached the end of the mining operation level, but from what I have seen the graphics and textures are fantastic, and the level design is incredible. The difference between the large open maps and smaller enclosed maps breaks any possibility of map monotony. And so far, many of the maps have that "creepy" feel to them, like in Q2 - I can almost feel the "evil" within. ;) I also think they did a very good job of hiding the fact they used the Q3 engine, except for the bobbing movement while running. Does anyone remember offhand what the console command is to turn this off in SP? Also, tilde does not open a console in SP - is it another key?


I read some gripes of people who said the puzzles were too hard and too many during the first few maps. I must disagree. I think some of you have had it too easy in the past few years with the overly linear FPSes that have been released that required very minimal thinking. I think the puzzles are great, and am having a blast with them.


I also read another post about the people who like and dislike the music in JK2. In the past, I would listen to the music of a new game for a few minutes, and then immediately turn it off because I disliked it or because it didn't "fit" with the game or what I was doing in the game. With JK2 though, I have had the music on the entire time. It is obvious the music speeds up and gets more intense when one is about to engage in battle, or is already doing so, and gets lighter when not much is going on.


Granted, I haven't gotten very far in the game, but I can't believe that all of a sudden it would go from great to bad. Just in the few levels I have played it is very reminescent of Q2, and for me, that is a great thing. I have been waiting for the "Next Q2" game, and I think this one will finally be it!


Looking forward to dueling with some of you in MP :)

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some answers :)


Yes, playing on Jedi Master means your maxed out at 50 life, the other modes it's 100 life.


Not sure what the console command to turn off the sway is, but you can turn it off in the 'other video' options, or perhaps the other options... I don't remember exactly. But if you go into setup you should see a check box or something to turn it off.


IMO the game goes from good to F'ing Great, once you get your lightsaber and some force powers, the game becomes so much better.


Nothing is quite as much fun, as walking into a room of 5-6 stormtroopers, a couple officers, and using force push to knock them all down, then cutting them in half as they get up :)


For the most part say 90% of what I've done so far (not quite to the doombringer level yet) the levels are very well done. There are however a few execptions to this. But those would be spoliers so I won't mention them :)

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