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Classic Admiral Skin.


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I'm sure most of you miss some of the classic jedi Knight skins, just like me. So, I remade my favorite classic JK1 skin for JK2: Admiral. I should also mention that this is my first JK2 skin (of many more to come :)), however, I do have past experience with skinning in Half-Life, Counter-Strike and the original Jedi Knight.


The skin includes full team colors and full bot support. Download here: URL taken down due to problems. should be back up soon. sorry for the delay.


Here is a screenshot:



Hope you all enjoy it.

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That skins very nice lookin. Great job! I have a few questions to ask you... What program do you use to make the cloths and face?? And how do you get that nice shadows and ripples on the cloths and if you know any good online websites with good tutorials. Very nice!

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Hey, thanks for your comments.


I use photoshop 5.5 exclusivly for skinning. The clothes were done using a mixture of dodging, burning, texturiser and HSB noise. Some smudging was also used for the more subtle wrinkles in the gloves and boots.


The face is the standard kyle face, which was slightly lightened, with the scar added to the left eye, and the beard removed.


Hope that helps.

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Cool skin man from the screenies, but i can't get it working, when i place it in my gamedata/base directory and start jk2, it tells me that the model line is too long=74.... ? What that means? Coul you help me? I'd like really to try your skin out Wolf!

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Okay guys, it's doing it for me too, when I try to load single player...I'm taking the file down guys. It does something to stop single player from working, even after deleting the file. Gonna talk to ChangKhan about it. Maybe he can help.

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Hey, JRA_Wolf, you don't know how much it would mean to me if you sent me a tutorial about photoshop and skinning models(like fabric and flesh). Because if you have seen my Terrorist Skin, it looks good, but it was done in mspaint, and I know that model would look much nice with photoshop.


(I would prefer a tutorial written by you, but if you have a link to a tut that would be great too)




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Well, I'm kinda busy right now, but I'll tell you what...Sometime this week, probably on wednesday or thursday I'll write up a tutorial with pictures on my techniques for cloth and some other stuff, and I'll post it up on my website. Now, I'm going to assume you all know how to use the basic tools. if not, I suggest you look around some photoshop sites to get yourself aqauinted with them.

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