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How fast does your CPU need to be to run Jedi Outcast at full blast???


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I have 2 computers that i run Jedi on ..

my 1st one is a 1700 athlon 512 ram Geforce 3 graphics card on Windows XP.

my 2nd is the same but its a 1800 athlon.


Both run fuk sweet!!


i also have a 1000mhz Pent with 256 MB ram and a Voodoo 5 graphics card in it...

it does not run as smooth as my other computers but still looks sweet.


I also have a Cable modem for my connection


The Stoned Player

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Well good for u asswipe! ! ! ! ! You have a high end system. . .. oohhh but so do most of the people in this forum ! ! ! ! the thread is asking a question and in no way does it ask for your specs! ! ! stop being such a jerkoff ! ! ! ! To answer the two questions, a definite yes to the first dude and yes to the second although everything would have to be at low res and detail would be either medium or below.

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Guest LSF_Brasidus


I run fine at full blast.

My specs:

Athlon Thunderbird 850

Ge-Force 2 MX 32 meg

512 megs pc133 SDRAM

SB 128 pci

Hope that helps!


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Originally posted by Aim

Well good for u asswipe! ! ! ! ! You have a high end system. . .. oohhh but so do most of the people in this forum ! ! ! ! the thread is asking a question and in no way does it ask for your specs! ! ! stop being such a jerkoff ! ! ! ! To answer the two questions, a definite yes to the first dude and yes to the second although everything would have to be at low res and detail would be either medium or below.


There is no need to be belligerent. Anyway, to answer your question. I would have to say that you probly couldn't run it full blast without slow down. You could try but there would probly be slow down. Actually, I run it on the medium settings and it still looks sweet. Mine could probly handle the high end but I see know need for it since you can hardly notice the difference.

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I have win xp running on an athalon xp1800, geforce 2 gts and 512 SDRAM.


I can run JK2 with texture detail on high, shadows on simple and resolution @ 1024*768*32 with slowdown ONLY at certain parts in the swamp level. However I switched to medium textures on that level alone so that it never slowed down and got me killed.


ARGH i want a new video card.

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PIII 800 Mhz

384 meg RAM

64 meg GeForce 2 GTS


DirectX 8.1

and 12.90 drivers


I have absolutely everything on max, and play at 1024x768 resolution. I get framerates of about 40, and it's pretty damn smooth. As with many others, I get the crazy shadow thing with the volumetric shadows where they jump all over the place and show through walls, etc. No biggie. With a room of 7-8+ people shooting at me, it does slow down a bit.


Truly though, pleasantly surprised at how well it runs.

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If you can get 64 meg on your graphics card, go for it. Not sure if that's entirely related to some of the issues that have appeared, but I definitely think it helps a lot, say in comparison to a processor speed increase instead.

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According to Raven, you need a nitrogen cooled Cray with 16GB of RAM with the game loaded on a fibre SCSI storage RAID array in order to get the game to load a level in under two minutes. I'm not bashing or wanting to spread the cancer of the long load thread here, but buyer beware. A LOT of people's monster boxes including mine are falling victim to long level load times. It's to the point where I do not even have the patience to wait for it to load anymore...

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Are you playing with 'very high textures'? Think about it if the textures take up a good size of memory, then of course it will take a while to load them initially from the HD. I don't know the size of the textures at that detail level, but if you see the chart on the load times going from 'very high' to 'high' halves the time to load the level. That should say something about the size of the textures.



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