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to all you strong stance whiners


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I enjoy using strong attack, I'm pretty decent with it too.


I've found the major vulnerability with it, is the attacks take so long, it gives your opponent plenty of time to force push you to the floor.


I've found that strong attack works best with the wild spinners who are just attacking in no apparent direction. Strong stance is at its weakest in my opinion when you have to make the first attack. To defeat strong attackers, you have to counter attack.


I was fighting someone today, can't remember his name, but he was very good against my strong attack.


He would basically stand there, when I would start a swing he would force pull me to the ground right in front of him and then saber me while I was down.


There is LOTS of ways to beat Strong Attack. But I still luv it!

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One more quick thought about how much I love strong stance.


There is NOTHING FUNNIER than having force absorb turned on, some noob sets a brick down on force lightning and quits moving, you walk up to him, give a nice big overhead cut right down the middle of him and kill him.


I can't help but laugh.

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