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Question and an answer to another problem...


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First, is it possible to code the game to have one button control attacking over-the-head, and one to control side to side sweeping attacks? Id really like it to be independt of movement controls for more refined attack, other than mash button and try and get the right move =)


And ive noticed alot of people are complaning about the heavy stance special attack, its really easy to counter, try use a simple little force power called push when they are flying through the air saber raised to kill, it will throw them backwards and you wont get hit =)

Heavy combat style is so slow if you nerfed there range or damage you might as well take out the stance.


Anyone from raven or anyone else who knows, id really love an answer to my question! :D

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Originally posted by Morkath

First, is it possible to code the game to have one button control attacking over-the-head, and one to control side to side sweeping attacks? Id really like it to be independt of movement controls for more refined attack, other than mash button and try and get the right move =)


And ive noticed alot of people are complaning about the heavy stance special attack, its really easy to counter, try use a simple little force power called push when they are flying through the air saber raised to kill, it will throw them backwards and you wont get hit =)

Heavy combat style is so slow if you nerfed there range or damage you might as well take out the stance.


Anyone from raven or anyone else who knows, id really love an answer to my question! :D


You should be bale to bind the combinations the way you want, ie

bind mouse4 moveleft, +attack etc.. can't recall how to dbind keys in Q3 like I used to, but look around http://www.planetquake.com there should be a guide somewhere.

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