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Possible help with load times...


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I found this in another forum. My load times are atrocious as I know are a lot of yours. I can't try it out because I am at work at the moment ;) Post if it works or if it is crap. Hope this helps...


Gawen Crow sent the following about Q3-engine memory managment:

There is a file in the \GameData\base\ folder called jk2mpconfig.cfg. Open this file with notepad and search for a setting called hunkmegs. Default it says hunkmegs "64". This is the amount of RAM the game is set to utilize for graphics rendering. Performance can be drastically increased on machines with 256+ meg of RAM by increasing the hunkmegs value to 192 for 256k machines. As long as it does not exceed 2/3 of your total RAM your ok, so the value can be set even higher for machines with 512. After changing the value just click on save and play the game & wallah!

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