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Dirty tricks.


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I got a couple, post yours here.


On the death star level, hide beside the generator thingie with the ysalamari behind it, and push people on your ledge and the one above into the void.


Wait for people to run at you, then right before they slash you with the saber, throw your saber at their feet for an easy hit. I got killed because I kept rushing this guy and didnt realize what he was doing til later.

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Good one. Here's another one:


Approach a saber fighter and turn your saber off. Stand there for a moment if you can - it will probably mystify your opponent. Approach your opponent and bait him into swinging his saber. Avoid the swing, then, when he misses, step right up into his face and light your saber off. You'll get a nice strong hit as the saber extends right into his chest.

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Ok, seriously, are T2 people actually TRYING to stalk me, or what? Also, phy, something's wrong with my CD of T2 and I'm probably going to have to get a replacement from sierra. So, I'll be away for a bit, and if you could inform the others it would be much obliged.

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