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Poll: Best Force Power


Favourite Force Power!  

98 members have voted

  1. 1. Favourite Force Power!

    • Force Push
    • Force Pull
    • Force Speed
    • Force Grip
    • Force Lightning
    • Dark Rage
    • Force Protect
    • Force Drain
    • Force Absorb
    • Jedi Mind Trick

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I'm supprised no here mentions absorb. It by far is the best power. It cancels all other force powers directed at you. The amount of times someone has tried to push, pull or grab me over the edge only to be cut down by me. Go try it you will be suprised.


Dont Shoot

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Force absorb, though very powerful in a light sense, I find to be wasting force energy. If someone atempts to choke you, you can easily push him away. If someone atempts to spark lightining on you, instead of depleating most of your force power, you could step out of his range and let him use his force energy up, or if you don't like running from a fight, you could push him, attack him, and if you are low on life, you could use bacta or heal, while attacking. Force absorb isn't as efficient in JK2 as it was in JK1. It takes up too much force energy for what you are dealing with. Most of the time when you have it on, you are moving around not being touched. I don't want to put down force absorb, I just feel there are more efficient alternatives to it.



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I've played only the light side on multiplayer but I must say Force Absorb has to rate as one of the best defensive abilities.


Your post about wasting force energy is invalid if you have ever used Force Absorb correctly. For one thing you don't go running around with it always on (unless your running across a bridge or something and don't want to be pushed off). Secondly force absorb does exactly that, absorbs force energy from attacks against you (i.e. grip lightning, push, pull, etc.) It gives you their force energy rather than taking it away so you have gained, not lost.


For examply, say someone for grips me on a Jedi Master level. If I and very low on force energy and life, I hit the handy absorb key which 1) kills any damage the grip does, 2) immediately puts me at 1/2 full on my force bar (assuming I had none) at which point I cast 2 heals on myself (if I don't have a bacta) and am back in the fight.


I rarely turn on force absorb until I'm being choked, hit with lightning, etc. I don't use it much for push/pull unless running across a bridge or fighting near a ledge. Even then I turn it on and off regularly so as not to "waste" it as you say.


Among other force powers, I prefer using pull over push because often times you push them out of range allowing them time to get up before you get a decent swing in. I've often also pulled people into my defensive saber posture and killed them. Push is good for ledges and such, but in battle I find pull to be a more powerful ally.


IMO, The most effective force power against a "good" light side character is Force Drain. I haven't played the dark side yet, but playing the light side I would rather fight a dark force Jedi versus a light, because I can counter everything they throw at me except force drain. Without force I have to rely on my saber, which should always be your first choice anyway.


my 2 cents....

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A lot of this depends on team play versus FFA. Personally, I'm starting to think that Force Seeing may be vastly underated for team play. It's handy as hell to be able to check around corners or below balconies before you actually move/jump there.


I haven't experienced Force Seeing vs snipers, but if it works as advertised that would be handy too.



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For SP I think the best poer is force pull. Why? Because you can pull hordes of troopers or almost anything besides reborn right to your feet. Then you can slash them while they are on the ground.:D For MP Either drain or grip depending on the map. On ns_streets in mp it takes about 2 seconds to throw someone off the edge with grip. Drain is nasty expecially with larg groups. You can fully replenish your health with about 1 bar of force energy.

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My favorite is without doubt, force speed and push / pull


Hehe the joy of stealing sombodys weapon and then hunt him down with the Lightsaber.


or pushing sombody down and then cut him/them down with dito


or force speed! esp lv3 when u can 100% faster hehe they have no chance.

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force absorb is by far the best force power in the game for a saber/force only mp game.


There are so many people that cant play for crap, so they have to resort to lightning/grip/push to get thier kills. Now dont get me wrong, I understand that these forces have thier places and uses. And im not against these forces. What Im talking about are the people that dont use them strategicaly (sp?). You know the ones im talkin about. The ones that run around blasting lightning all the time, and run when they are out of force.


That is why I love absorb, I just sit there and let them cast thier lame attempts while i hack em away. Not only i get in free shots, but they are actually doing me a favor by being a push/lightning/grip whore :p

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