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Stuck at end of NS Streets


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Got through to what is (hopefully!) the end of this level; I went through those crane types things and jumped on the garbage container and was pushed off when it went under the forcefield/door thing. Now I can't figure out anything to do in small area I'm in; I can see a traffic light type switch way out of reach that the force icon comes up around but when I use force push or force pull nothing happens. What am I supposed to do? I'd really like to get this map behind me.

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When you get on top of that moving garbage crate thing, you have to use Force Pull (I think? Maybe it's Force Push) on each little traffic light thing as you come to them, to prevent the crate from going into the force fields. It works, just make sure you're aiming right at the lights....

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Hey man,


Everyone has the same problem. However, rather than choosing to restart the whole stage from the beginning, I continued on to find a way getting back.


There is no shortcut for getting back. All you can do is to drop down from the garbage place back to wherever you can land on without dying (but for sure losing health).


I believe the game wants to challenge us by making things harder to solve and figuring out solutions that require a lot of backtracking.


To me, despite the fact that this stage is long, the routes, however, are very straight forward.

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Weeellllllll what I do in situations like that is quicksave....I quicksave before any kind of difficult jump/hairy situation, but I'm assuming you aint' got no quicksave. You don't have to restart the whole level, though, if you're not adverse to using a little ol' cheat. Turn on noclip, head back up to the garbage crate, and then turn off noclip and drop down onto it. It's cheating, but it beats the hell out of replaying the entire damn level just because of some Tomb Raider-esque jumping/switch puzzle.


Save yourself the 2 hours it would take to redo the whole thing and just noclip back up to the garbage crate.

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