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GeForce Ti4600


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yes it will be very well supported...the only problems with video cards that most main stream games suffer from is those cards that are made by weird companies, old cards, or just plain crap cards =)


btw, gf4 isnt a very economical buy right now IMO...just wait a few months (around 6-8 or so) and get something that supports dx9 and will be faster than gf4...the gf4 is only a fast ti500, something that no game needs to perform even very well...a radeon 8500 or ti500 (go w/ the 8500 b/c its cheap with = performance) will do you fine =)

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I'm not building the system for gaming only (at least that's what I keep telling myself). :)


I'm a graphic designer and am building a high-end system that can handle the files I work with on a day-to-day basis. Making sure that JO will work on it is a bonus, but not the driving force. :)



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my brother just got the gforce4 ti 4600.

and i went over yesterday to take a look at what it was like

he's running

a 900

with 512 megs

and the new gforce.

WOW is all i got to say

it's like a hot knife sliceing thrue butter. i couldnt believe how nice jko runs on his machine

now if i only had the money to upgrade mine.

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Originally posted by Vorlagen

"the gf4 is only a fast ti500"


That's such a load of crap, I'm POSITIVE everyone can see through that bull**** right away.

@anandtech.com they underclocked the ti4600 to the same speed as the ti500 ans the ti4600 was 25% faster. Why? Because of the second vertex shader and a better hidden surface Removal algorithm.


i run one @ 1280x1024 32bits all details maxed. Rarely ever do i drop below 60fps.


Best card ive ever bought

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Originally posted by Vorlagen

"the gf4 is only a fast ti500"


That's such a load of crap, I'm POSITIVE everyone can see through that bull**** right away.


Well it's true to the extent that the GF4Ti don't add nearly as many features over the GF3 as the GF3 did over the GF2. That said higher clock and optimisations mean the 4600 is about 50% faster than the Ti500 and alot of the bugs are sorted out concerning image quality.

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Wow. I didn't expect to get this many responses. Glad to hear everyone's opinion. :)


For the first time in my life, cost is (almost) not an issue. This is primarily for my business and will be something I can use for a partial write-off.


That being said, I'm totally excited about taking JO for a spin once I get it put together. I just hope I don't run into any Windows XP issues now... :)

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Let's not get into the debate of ATi vs nVidia.


But to put it simply, any nVidia card makes ATi look like crap. Why? One word: DRIVERS. ATi has the worst driver support imaginable. Comparing an 8500 to a gf3ti500 or hell, comparing an 8500 to any gf4? Moronic.


Both have their plus sides, ATi being cheap, semi-reliable; nVidia being reliable, minorly more expensive, and MAJORLY supported.


Next thing you know, everyone is going to be flaming on about Intel and AMD...

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and let us not forget that that extra 64 megs,.... gives it the ability to do just the graphics, and ur processor can just process the math, hence the first real gpu(graphics processing unit).



i will be using this card for the next 2 years or more, usally i upgrade every year, but, im holding out on this one......


i never drop below 60 fps in jo.......

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and let us not forget that that extra 64 megs,.... gives it the ability to do just the graphics, and ur processor can just process the math, hence the first real gpu(graphics processing unit).



i will be using this card for the next 2 years or more, usally i upgrade every year, but, im holding out on this one......


this diffrence can be compared from the first time you went from 56k, to broadband.


i have graphical blind, and now i can see..........


i never drop below 60 fps in jo.......

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Right away I freaked out at some of these posts...the guy is trying to build a rig and he gets a load of crap from a couple of idiots...look it depends on what you are doing...I have 3 computers on a lan at home...mine and my 2 boys' computers. I have the gforce ti 4600 and can tell you my scores went from 7400 on 3d mark 2001se with my old ti 500 to 10345 with my ti4600. I am just a freak...I want the fasted but it is costly. I can do it because I roll the parts down to my boys so it is economical. However...my youngest son is still using his gforce mx400 w/ 64 megs of ram...he can play jedi knight at 1024 x 768 with most options at medium to high...with a Duron 700 processor and 256 megs of ram...you don't need a massive system to play jedi knight. I agree it does look better on mine if you are really trying to compare...but what kind of money are you trying to spend? You say you will be using your computer for other things than gaming...yes the ti 4600 is the speed king now, but...get a gforce ti 200 that is really just a gforce 3...for about $150 bucks. the other $249 you could put towards the other things you need...whatever else you will be using your computer for...if music is your thing...guess what...you've got the extra dough to put it towards a sound blaster audigy platimum or something. You wont really need a ti4600 over a ti500 for any games in 2002. I am kinda stupid because I always buy the fastest, but how much you wanna bet I will be blowing another $400 bones when doom III comes out....use your head...go to http://www.hardocp.com. they have nice vid card reviews and are very honest...they do get exited about having the fastest systems too but they will tell you what is sufficient for this year...ti500 is very good buy for most people...again...i will say again and again...that extra $250 you save could be put towards the other necessary components you need to do the other things you will be using your computer for. Trust me on this...I build computers every day and you have to be wise in your budgeting. what good is a ti 4600 if you are playing it on an AMD 450 mhz processor...lol. or with a 14" monitor...with max rez of 800x600. get the picture? too much ranting...gotta go...good luck:eek:

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