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FPS Veteran looking for Good Game Voice Clan.


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I am looking for a good Light Side clan to join/help start. I don’t play clan games without the Game Voice anymore because it is too much of fun (and it greatly helps team play etc)


I work with an ISP so I can get hosting cheap and I am fairly advanced at designing Web Pages. But I would rather be fraging newbie’s. I have fast DSL a nice system and live in Texas.



Games I have played other than JKII.


Tribes II


Jedi Knight


Counter Strike


Unreal Tournament


Dark Forces (I had to add this, it is one of my all time favorites :-)


Plus lots more.


I don’t really want to start a new clan although I have done that before. I just want to join one that uses Games Voices (Or Roger Wilco…) to kill other clans in CTF.


If you are interested just post a responce to this board.


Neo Vita

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SteelAngels, Light and Dark Side clan....

will Use roger wilco...we are just starting up tho, the forums are online,chat, and ded. server.


Site will be ready today or tommorrow. will be http://www.steelangels.co.uk.


to view before public release please goto the forums.


Interested? join on the forums for now until site automation is up..."Join Us" Forum...Post in there and we will get back to you a.s.a.p!



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Good choice neovita.


HEL Guild has like...one thing going for it, a huge....HUGE roster of people. I think thats about it.


I'm currently considering my options for JK2 as well. I've got a huge amount of FPS experience all the way back to Quake, and I'm pretty adept within Q3A engine games. And fairly strong in HTML and Flash and other sundry peripheral clan related skills.


Drop me an email if you decide to go about things a different way and build something.

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HEL Guild has like...one thing going for it, a huge....HUGE roster of people. I think thats about it.


You come to that pathetic conclusion based on some web browsing, without giving a fair chance in actually attempting to socialize and game with our players?


Im not going to even bother arguing, just remember to use some evidence based on actual experience before posting bull**** crap like that.

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Originally posted by [HEL]Diablos


You come to that pathetic conclusion based on some web browsing, without giving a fair chance in actually attempting to socialize and game with our players?


Im not going to even bother arguing, just remember to use some evidence based on actual experience before posting bull**** crap like that.


Actually I come to the above conclusion because every person I meet in HEL is just like you!


Annoyingly arrogant, and without a damn shred of common courtesy. And some times big mouthed and incredibly profane and ignorant. My favorite HEL experience is playing RTCW on the Fobosih.Xmission Server and enjoying the wonderful chat between a HEL member and the whole server!






Of course when he got tired of calling everyone african americans

he fell back on the old tried and true. "STFU u faggot"


What an enlightened clan, to have such open minded members.


Don't think that people see your "members" and what they do online? Oh hell yeah we do. I can count the number of HEL members I've met that I can stand on the fingers of one HEAD.


Add in a 300+ player roster, and what does that spell? LEGION OF A-S-S-HOLES, thats what it spells.


Personally, while I think its great that you guys have a 300 person clan, the reason you do is because no one bothers screening the people that join...so you just get any old jerk.


I've seen multiple HEL members telling their teams how bad they sucked...all the while not getting anything done except *****ing about how bad their team sucks. And I made a mistake of calling em on it, sayin "Hey, your not gonna get better work out of your team by being abusive" and then they turned on me. Telling ME that I sucked...even though my score was triple their own and they couldn't ****ing stop me with a brick wall, much less a game gun.


So instead of coming off all arrogant and acting like HEL is the best damn guild theres ever been, why not try to figure out WHY PEOPLE DON'T LIKE YOU! And THEN, FIX IT!



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Originally posted by Joruus

Annoyingly arrogant, and without a damn shred of common courtesy. And some times big mouthed and incredibly profane and ignorant. My favorite HEL experience is playing RTCW on the Fobosih.Xmission Server and enjoying the wonderful chat between a HEL member and the whole server!








So instead of coming off all arrogant and acting like HEL is the best damn guild theres ever been, why not try to figure out WHY PEOPLE DON'T LIKE YOU! And THEN, FIX IT!




I'm a Guild Master in HEL, so what I say carries a lot of weight. First off, I would like to apologize for the incident that happened to you. I'm not going to whitewash it an deny the incident ever happened, but I think I know the guys that did that to you. They are FORMER HEL members. About a month ago these guys started getting really arrogant and nasty. One of the Founders for the Chapter contacted me on it and they were shown the door. You can now find them at clan Avatar. They went off to do their own thing whereby they can make fools of themselves. We don't put up with BS like that. We are a professional gaming guild and require our members to conduct themselves as professionals in their dealings.


Don't judge the clan by a few bad apples that slipped by. You never know about somebody's personality until you get to playing with them, and sometimes that's just too late. Suffice it to say the problem was identified and corrected, but not after damaging our reputation.


I invite you to check us out and post on our forums. If you don't feel HEL is right for you afterwards, then that's your call.



Guild Master

Hell's Elite Legions


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Joruuss, Im sorry you were a casualty of one of our mistakes, and never realized you were affected. That behaviour you described is disgusting and bad, and was caused by what you often here as "kiddies":D.


Sorry for blasting you, Dont let a select few form an opinion about HEL. That mistake was corrected.



Anyways, Ill see you on the servers



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Hey gang, I am not here to join in the battle, but IRON Jedis WILL be using one of the voice softwares. I have GameVoice(Full) and it is my first choice, but we are a diplomatic lot and we will not force people to go out and buy a GV setup when we run out of freebees from the download. If we find a problem with paying for GV, we will be on Teamsound. I will only play matches if we are talking. There is no other way to do it. Here is my "official" post on the IRON BRIGADE:


The IRON BRIGADE Jedi Knight 2 Division is now forming and recruiting players of all skill levels. IRON is a multi-game player's guild which currently includes Ghost Recon, MechWarrior 4, MW4: Black Knight, IL-2 Sturmovik, Tribes 2, and now Jedi Knight 2. We have been in action for over 3 years and have grown into a close-knit group of friends. Our average age is 31. We have husbands, wives, kids, and jobs. We understand that life must come first, and this is a game for fun. We value attitude and teamwork over pure ability of a single player.


We are looking for players of all skill levels. We practice once to twice a week and have group games/playing time for our members on a regular basis. We have our own private forums, in which our members share everything from new tips & tricks to jokes & stories about their personal lives. We will be competing in some ladders/leagues when they start and look forward to playing as a true team.


If interested, please come by our site and check us out:




The JK2 section is still under construction, but you can get an idea of our style. You can email me with any questions at wolf@starsfan.com


If interested in joining, you can also email me at this point.

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Neo Vita;


I've gotten something pieced together and I'm looking for talent for it. Email me.


HEL Guys;


Thats class work there, admitting to mistakes and apologizing for them. My impression of HEL just went up a few points. Its good to hear you got rid of those guys, any class clan shouldn't have anything to do with people like that.

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if you are still interested, i can give you my clan details


just emaill pacifist@tightwork.net


or flaccid76 on AIM


i dont feel like broadcasting my clan to the public, so its up to you if you wish to contact me =)


EDIT: btw, yes we always use GV, yes, we do have our own public/private servers, and no, we dont let just anyone into our clan for big numbers and are on an active ladder right now

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