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There IS hope for the Light Side in MP (and a big thanks...)


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A big thanks to everyone for their advice the other day when I posed the question: Does the Light side really stand a chance in MP when Darksiders constantly use grip and lightning?


Probably the biggest advice given was to make use of the Absorb power. Man, did this make a difference.


Now, while ALL my results weren't this great, all of my matches were substantially better than a couple nights ago.


(just providing the address since the pic is so huge...)



I was able to saber the heck out of some people when they couldn't grip-drop me over the side ;)


This was a saber-only server, btw.


So thanks to all those who stopped in on my other thread to offer me some friendly advice. Now, sad to say, I have to head off to bed ;) I've stayed up 'till 2 am playing JK2 the last two nights...and with work having an 8 am call, I'm certainly feeling the effects.

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Yeah, I had a chance to give the old absorb/heal technique a whirl tonight against some DarkSiders, and it worked like a bloody charm. Pretty soon I was somehow anticipating when people would drain/grip/lightning me, and activating absorb immediately beforehand. Then it was like, thanks for filling up my mana pool so I can heal now, dude :D


Of course it doesn't work all the time...I pretty much got killed 50% of the time, won the other 50% of the time, but I'm not a superbadass at this game or anything. But it kind of surprised me how effective I was at actually fighting sabre-to-sabre once a DarkSider had expended all his mana trying to constantly drain or lightning me, and had to rely on his sabre alone.

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Don't worry 'bout the pic quality, that's all from PSP


Didn't know about the screenshot command until after I took this tonight, so I used the PrintScreen button...


Pasted in paint, saved as BMP


Went to PSP, saved as JPG


Upped the gamma, brightness, and contrast, as the pic was really dark.


That's why it looks that way ;)

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