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I can't wait for the new players to leave Multiplayer...


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Yeah but surely the force is an integral part of the experience? Without it, isn't it just sword fighting? Not that there's anything wrong with that - but I for one want to have duels like the ones in EP1 - leaping up onto walkways, and igniting sabre as you land cat like to face your opponent - fiercley battling with your sabre and at the same time hurling your foe backwards, or throwing your sabre at him etc


When engaging a duel in FFA, you get force jump, sabre throw, sabre defence, and sabre offence as forces. The reason push and pull do not work I'm guessing is for gameplay reasons, it really isn't fun to be fighting, do a jump and be pushed off into the abyss during a duel.

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Originally posted by 22_InFeRnO_22

Well like every new released game, you get a crowd of people buying it. Then the ones who dont really like it leave and well the hardcore, serious, star wars fans stay.... I can't wait cause those damn n00bs charging you when you switch off your lightsaber, which if you ask me is a clear sign that you want a duel, trying to engage them in a duel will leave. Then poeple who are into Star Wars will be able to duel in peace... Like this morning i had this kickass FFA in Bespin streets where we played a duel on the platform where the winner stayed and the other waited and watched. But there are other games where people run around with rockets and dart launchers pissing duelers off, not even understanding that you cant hurt people who duel... This is annoying and i wish they would just grow up. :fett:


Err, since the game was released like lessw than a week ago, how exactly can one NOT be a newbie? Maybe you need to take up different hobbie lass. Go to the beach, or if you live in Florida by any change, may I suggest the springs, you won't be sorry.

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Friendly tip,


I happen to enjoy ffa a lot, i also like the duel option. It has been my expirence that if you wish to duel someone, make sure its one of the top scorers and its not a gun whore. I have had some amazing "movie like" fights on nar shadda with people of the same skill level. So as someone said earlier, its unwise to lower your defenses unless your sure. When im in my sinister mood and using dark powers, i just make sure my grip is working b4 i turn of my saber if they come near me its just a quick flick of the rests b4 they are hurled into the abyss ;) .

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Originally posted by Scooter

I can see why they've put in the invulnerability for duellers - even in the movies it looks a bit contrived - it's a bit like that scene in Raiders Of The Lost Ark where after a lengthy hand to hand fight, Jones turns the corner to be faced by an obviously expert swordsman, who proceeds to demonstrate his skill with a string of twirls and swipes. Jones then pulls out a gun and shoots him dead.... Of course had he been a Jedi with a sabre he might have deflected the bullet :-/


Slightly off topic, but that scene happened during a really hot day and wasn't what was planned in the script. They had originally planned out a long fighting sequence. Harrison Ford, tired of doing the scene so many times, did that as a bit of a joke. Everyone liked it so much though, that it is what was put in place of what was in the script.

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Yoda: Yes, a Jedi's strength flows from the Force. But beware of the dark side. Anger, fear, aggression; the dark side of the Force are they. Easily they flow, quick to join you in a fight. If once you start down the dark path, forever will it dominate your destiny, consume you it will, as it did Obi-Wan's apprentice!


Luke Skywalker: Vader. ...Is the dark side stronger?


Yoda: No, no, no. Quicker, easier, more seductive.


Luke Skywalker: But how am I to know the good side from the bad?


Yoda: You will know... when you are calm, at peace, passive. A Jedi uses the Force for knowledge and defense, never for attack.

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For me, turning off your lightsaber does mean you want a duel, thats fine to be honest.


BUT, if I am holding a rocket, and I could put one up your pee hole, in an FFA game, I wont hesitate. But there are always certain circumstances to everything. If it's someone who is in first, and during this time, he's dueling everyone, of course ill take my chances with him and show him what im mad eof.

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To me, so far as duelling in FFA servers is concerned, all of the duels I've participated in began with someone just standing still looking in my direction with their saber ACTIVATED. I'd say that about 75% of the time someone has done that, they're looking for a duel. I don't have a problem with someone deactivating their saber in an attempt to ellicit a duel, but I think it's kinda foolish in the middle of a FFA server.. unless you've found a quiet portion of the map....


Also, I think something needs to be made clear in this discussion. There is a BIG difference between newbies and n00bs. Newbies are just that, new to the game, just like EVERY ONE of us here. They will make stupid mistakes, but they'll generally learn from them and not purposefully repeat them. N00bs are the complete idiots who can be new to a game or who could have played it for months/years, but choose to act like utter morons with no regard for others or the intricacies of the game. They will make stupid mistakes, but will more than likely purposefully repeat them to the chagrin of their fellow gamers.


OFF TOPIC: WTF? No signatures? Are they not working or something?

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theres always going to be newbies =) I HATE THEM !!! DIEEE


uh the word newbie does not necessarily mean simply a person new to the game


new to the game means new to the game


newbie means soemone who will never learn, someone who will always suck...someone who will always suck at all the games...someone who doesnt want to learn...


always i mean a VERY logn time...

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I think "newbie" is being used as a generic insult. I like the "5 day veteran" comment. ; )


Think about it.. the game hasn't been out that long, I doubt anyone has truly "mastered" the game. Not when we have people claiming that CounterStrike (COUNTERSTRIKE!) takes "about a year" to master. Gee wiz...


Even if you're winning every game you play right now, I highly doubt you know everything there is to know about the game. It can't be THAT easy.. and new people will be buying the game all the time. Remember JK? Keep that in mind.. there will always be "newbies" (inexperienced people).


Sure, people who "don't like the game" probably won't play it very long (for obviously reasons) but that's a misuse of the word (newbie = neophyte).

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in this context, newbie does not mean someone who is new to the game


it is a person with relatively little common sense in how things work in the game or generally in all games....i would call someone who has been playing jk for 3 years who runs around with teh repeater and carpet mines a non newbie...there are MANY, in fact most players who are always newbies at all games..


it is also used as a generic insult, yes

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You're a newbie if you haven't play the original jk for at least two years including the one from playstaion (the original dark forces) and that star wars fighting game with the wierd name which introduced saber throwing (the name starts with a t but it was a kick ass game! ! ! ! Helped me mastered the saber! ! ! ! )! ! ! ! !

So even if you have the game for five days and think you've mastered the saber... you're still a noob! ! ! ! ! ! !

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AIM you generalization freak, your calling prominant players that COULD get better newbies, STFU u moron. So what if they can't beat every person they meet 10 to 1, don't call them a newbie. That's a terriffic insult and, as we were earlier discussing, is a reference to immaturity. I don't think the lack of the ability to PLAY the game is a scale of immaturity. Gimme a break geek.

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Your telling me that if i haven't played Dark forces on the playstation (which was actually released FIRST on the pc which i owned literally not l33t speak) and JK for two years?! "and that star wars fighting game" :rolleyes: then your a n00b?! firstly all of these games are NOT made by raven and although JK uses a simlar saber system it is not identical . Finally i hardly think a starwars beat em up in which you are able to throw your saber qualifys you as some sort of pro! Anyway there wasn't a saber in dark forces {rant over}

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lol @ this thread - which basically started because a jedi knight player needs to pull his thumb out of his own ass


If you want to be immature little ****s and say "yo i'm leet just because i played jedi knight 1 and all you others who didnt are all n00bs", well then u can kiss my ass, because i think the term 'n00b' is possibly the stupidest insult you can tell a person. Lets see if i can get this right.



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Originally posted by thrEEpaGe

theres always going to be newbies =) I HATE THEM !!! DIEEE


uh the word newbie does not necessarily mean simply a person new to the game


new to the game means new to the game


newbie means soemone who will never learn, someone who will always suck...someone who will always suck at all the games...someone who doesnt want to learn...


always i mean a VERY logn time...


I personally don't think someone could be more wrong. Face it, we are ALL newbies at JKII right now. There is absolutely NO denying that in my mind. It hasn't even been out for a month!! Like I said, newbies and n00bs are two COMPLETELY different creatures. Newbie does not mean someone will always "suck". It just means you're new to the game. On the other hand, n00b's "are the suck".

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I was just stating that people who had no background of any star war games are noobs. Second I didn't say noobs where bad, or even infered it! ! ! ! ! ! I just found that if you had ne saber background before jk2, it was easier to figureout and use the saber in jk2 than those without ne! ! !BTW.. I'd never called myself a pro nor ever will! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! and i still get my ass kick in mp jk2! ! !

Also to clear it up (my fault), when i use jk, I also mean dark forces 2,and mots. With that all said, I apologize for any misguilded feelings that i have caused! ! ! ! ! !

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also if you've read my other posts. I mentioned that i got the game two weeks before the official release. Finished the game in two days and got in a week and a half works of mp practice! ! ! ! !

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Originally posted by schmucky

Comments like the ones you quoted are the talk of self-appointed gods of this game


it's funny watching the elitist heirachy already beginning even after 5 days of a game being out


It just baffles me that some people think they aren't a newbie at a game that's been out for barely two weeks or so.

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also if you've read my other posts. I mentioned that i got the game two weeks before the official release. Finished the game in two days and got in a week and a half works of mp practice! ! ! ! !

so i actually had the game more than 5 days! ! ! !

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Despite never playing the original JK Galactic, a good friend of mine who was involved with clans for a long time in the original told me that things like the saber were no where near as versatile as what it is now, so really, these idiots telling you to get lost because you didnt play the original really cant back it up with a reason other than the fact that they r just simply up themselves.

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Originally posted by Aim

also if you've read my other posts. I mentioned that i got the game two weeks before the official release. Finished the game in two days and got in a week and a half works of mp practice! ! ! ! !

so i actually had the game more than 5 days! ! ! !



Where did you get the game 2 weeks before the official release?


BTW. A newbie is not a person who has played a game for a short time but a person that is inexperienced at it. So if i play for 15 minutes and learn everything im not a newbie anymore.

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If you hate guns and projectile weapons, then email Lucasarts and complain. Don't ***** at people who are using weapons that were designed to be used in the game. They are not cheating, so get the hell of the server and make your own if you hate them so much.

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