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Solution : Getting your Logitech wheel to work in JKII


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I've read a few threads written by folks who have a Logitech Mouseman Optical/Wheel/iFeel/etc. which JKII won't recognize.


1.) To get the scroll-wheel to work :

Bring up the MouseWare control panel applet, then on the buttons tab, set "scrolling size" to none. Voila! You can now cycle weapons with the wheel (or do whatever else you've got wheelup and wheeldown bound to.)


2.) To recognize a wheel-click :

Again, under buttons, set button #2 to "Middle Button"


3.) To recognize the side/4th button :

Again, under buttons, set button #4 to fake a keypress that's out of your reach (Like F2, F3, Del, ENTER, etc.) and then bind that key to whatever you want the 4th mousebutton to do.

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